

This is me. I have no issue with their reputation, their food just isn’t very good.

Despite your typo, you are correct. President does something, he also presumably poops, I’ll just assume he does that something while pooping, even absent any evidence. - Matt Novak, Shit. PS, I hate Trump. That doesn’t mean this article isn’t shit. I was actually hoping to read some evidence, even speculative.

Hi, I have a question about my Comcast bill. Can you help me or do you work in a different department?

Underrated comment, guy!

Why should a consumable part of a product be replaced free? Do you get free tires from your car dealership? I assume you get a free battery for all the other products in your life.

Yes. I think this is another reason people don’t take time off. I can take a sick DAY but I can’t stay home for two weeks every time I get a cold. Plus it’s a cold. You’ll all live.

My hands get so dry in the winter and I’ve never met a lotion I don’t find greasy. I HATE HATE HATE all lotion. Name me something. I bet I’ve tried and was disgusted by its greasiness.

Its a moot point. After the doctor said he weighs 239 lbs, any semblance of credibility is immediately lost.

Quit your bullshit, guys.

I think it really depends on what you do with your base coffee. I drink it black so I want a complex medium roast. Starbucks coffee I feel like is roasted to be mixed with variations of milk and sugar and therefore isn’t very good black.

Anker is one of my new favorite brands. I own probably 5 of their power banks and most recently I’ve purchased 7 of their Qi wireless chargers. I bought three when the family got new iPhones, then after realizing how awesome they are I bought two more for additional locations in the house, and then this week bought

Anker is one of my new favorite brands. I own probably 5 of their power banks and most recently I’ve purchased 7 of

Its OK. Its not like you’re president.

This sounds like a comment from someone who sadly believes the people “liking” their content on social media actually give a shit and aren’t just rats bumping the feeder bar for their own gain.

You could just text those photos and they just flow up into text history and then your OS deals with them over time. Nothing to clean up. I hate facebook and have weaned my usage down to about .05% of what it what was but I GET facebook. I don’t GET Snapchat and Instagram. Unless you’re a model of famous person and

This still apply for when you did the killing (e.g. you kill someone with your car). They don’t apply for making a phone call. The kid committed a crime, likely a felony, but its not murder just because you are (rightfully) angry.

But in general, dumbly adhering to something that is not true for the sheer purpose of ticking people off seems... obnoxious.

These all assume there is wide fan displeasure, which is not the case. ONLY Rotten Tomatoes is showing a divisive mix of fan sentiment to the extent that people are wondering if the movie is being brigaded on that site by bots or a small group. On IMDB its 7.8 (or 78). Cinema Score, who polls real live human movie

The issue is not that we won’t be able to Instgram, YouTube, and HBO. The issue is that’s ALL we’ll be able to do. Those large, established behemoths will pay for fast lane fees and then pass the costs on to consumers. The issue is all of the services and innovation that would have, could have been that will be

Same. The #1 reason I don’t watch prime video is because I do not watch movies and TV on my phone or computer. I have a 70" TV and 110" screen in my home theater. I’m not watching Prime content on my iPhone because (before now) Amazon and Apple refuse to remotely cooperate.