
I’ve also never used a cover letter and always think its odd when I get one and frankly it probably biases me a little. So maybe one tip is to know which fields traditionally do or do not use cover letters.

This. So. Much. My observation has always been that its not really about the happy hour. Its almost like some of these people are into malicious compliance. I’m ONLY doing what my job description explicitly requires. Look “imahawki2" got a promotion. What a BS suckup. Always going for drinks with the boss. Yep, THAT’S

I love how divisive happy hour is. You know what, don’t go. But there will be consequences. But its not like this is the only work life situation that has consequences. Why must introverts act like they are being discriminated against? Just as I, an extrovert, face consequences for how I choose to behave around

So there’s at least two men who are employable even by your ridiculous standard.

They’re not actors. They’re not paid professionals who signed up. This was like a USO performance of a sketch.

That is BS. I’ve never done anything remotely like this in my life. I take it you have? How many people have you kissed and groped against their will?

You can really tell who hasn’t read the article. He forced her up against the wall, kissed her against her will, forcing his tongue into her mouth. That’s sexual assault.

Yeah, just tried it at my desk and it was NOT effective. Super flimsy and prone to sliding off at the slightest breeze.

Well, when you think about it, there is plenty of inter-country hate in Europe and most US states are the size of European countries. Your argument would be like me saying “Its called Eurpoean UNION, isn’t it?”

Well if it makes you feel any better I have NO shame. I will not be accountable for other people’s actions. I’m not trash. I’ve never behaved like these “men” and I won’t go on an angsty self-flagellation tour over it. Fuck those men, but they can deal with their bad behavior, not me.

I read that they reduced the number of credits you earned for missions too though. So the real world $$ cost fell, but the amount of in game grinding required to unlock a character would remain insanely high. Can anyone confirm?

Says who?

LOL, you could argue we did not play a good game based on what we did to OSU last week, but frankly, that was a VERY Iowa game. I’ll consider it a good loss if Wisconsin bulldozes OSU and ends up in the CFP.

Wow, under what justification (other than perhaps just being libertarian) would one argue against helmet laws? I’d be fine if you don’t want to wear a helmet you’re automatically refusing any medical treatment.

[sad face] Good game.

I challenge you to a duel!

Your mom’s an ugly notch.

Does your village know you’re missing?

I like my coffee like I like my women... served in a paper cup with a plastic lid where I have to enlarge the breather hole with my Ken Onion Chive pocket knife because otherwise it restricts the flow out of the drinking hole.

That’s a slippery slope. If every reaction to something happening to another person is valid, then your post just gave me PTSD! Any time someone is triggered, that’s a valid reaction? Any time someone is confronted and made to feel bad feelings that is traumatic? Nah.