That’s it folks, we’re gonna have to re-do Memorial Day this year. It looks like we missed one of the true heroes.
That’s it folks, we’re gonna have to re-do Memorial Day this year. It looks like we missed one of the true heroes.
It’s not Sam the Eagle, dammit! It’s Sam Eagle. His last name is Eagle.
i also meant the COMMENT thread becomes an indictment not the post. ugh. thursdays. anyway, have a solid afternoon.
If an 18-year-old says he scored nine times, it means he maaaybe got one handjob.
I think the game you just invented is called cricket.
Dom, please stop piling on. Show some MRSA.
Mt Everest: Come for the views, stay because you died.
Made the same point on the Ohio story from the other day. If we are moving to a time that guns are allowed, (which includes AR’s you NRA fascists) then police should not be so afraid, they should be ready to knock...I shed a tear for us, this is just sad. Fight for open carry and everyone has a gun, and yet on the…
I think I agree. Probably you should lose your right to hurl a baseball in the direction of a batter if you can’t reliably keep it from hitting him in the head.
You are absolutely right. If you support 2a then you must support it for everyone. 2a activist make no effort to represent or protect this right for black citizens.
If this doesn’t end with Kyle Lowry and Pascal Siakam barricading themselves in Kawhi’s home while Steve Ballmer frantically drives around looking for his address, I’m going to be sorely disappointed.
i stopped at mental illness.
Um, there’s a talking point hierarchy, and gun touting is beaten by “Chicago!”
I don’t know if anyone watches Patriot Act on Netflix, but one of the episodes talks about how the NRA is expanding globally, concentrating in New Zealand, Australia, and Brazil. And the same racist ideology that they spread here is the dame playbook they are using there. So the fact that that has migrated over there…
I didn’t go to the game. You didn’t go to the game.
I mean, the argument here is self-evidently stupid and just absolutely on brand for Fox News. But what is really impressive is the attempt to launder this terrible opinion through their “news” operation.
Yeah, apparently now listening to a Jew is reason enough to attack Jews? Apparently the person doesn’t know that Shapiro is a Jew.
Fuck all of the assholes that support Trump. You are stupid, gullible and treasonous.