
“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified first lady back in the White House.”

It’s sad, but it is impressive that Trump has literally convinced people to not trust their own two eyes, and it WORKS!

Adults believing in fairy tales is hilarious

Hershell Walker wouldn’t even help this trade...

He should be President!

Ok, and maybe it is on me for not seeking out better news sources (many would argue me posting this to these sites is evident enough) but HOW THE HELL IS THIS NOT A MAJOR STORY!?!?!?

On ‘The View’... that’s all i got... wait, is that because of her father too?

This was the eloquent point i was trying to make... only with more raging fury

we’re devaluing the contributions of the people that laid the foundation for America and that’s our founding fathers

Honesty on Kinja! It feels so...weird.. refreshing, but weird all the same

Umm... i think that is EXACTLY the opinion put forth in the case and this article... You read the whole paragraph or just stop at ‘suffered from severe mental illness’?

In response the officer justified this action by saying officers were responding to information that an assault rifle was being kept at the Wilson’s home.” So they SWAT the house for two hours, to which i have to say...

Love the Patriot Act! Him and Oliver are the best at tackling obscure stories and making them relevant and insightful. I HOPE lots of people watch their shows! 

Don’t you dare forget Conan you heathen!


Well, there are very fine votes on BOTH sides, very fine votes...

Rep. Seth Moulton, who is running for president in 2020


Wait, was her whole complaint that people didn’t recognize her? or am i reading this completely wrong? Cuz whoa.. the petty

Bully steals kids ball