
try switching hands

neckbearditis is universal

they’re afraid of competition

wow. what a surprise.



Oh darn. What a shame.

How tf aren’t these places not being charged with fraud?

I approve this message

Tucker didn’t care about lying; this idiot actually believes his own bullshit.

Ladies and gentlemen...Florida’s next governor.

Hell, if those girls got killed because they weren’t wearing skirts, put all the kids in skirts.

wasn’t childhood when we all walked uphill both ways through the driving snow to and from school?

Prequel’s the only way to go if they’re intent on making another film. Personally, I’d say just let it be.

good thing they’re doing this in FL and Cali. Here in Detroit, those clickers would get shot.

Vote with your feet.

sorry for the hijack, but...

here, let me spoil your morning, too:

Wisconsin parties like it’s 1849.