
umm, wasn’t Sound Of Thunder set in Chicago, or am I thinking of something else?

was hoping to find out when the 2nd half of season 2 of The Owl House would be starting.  D:

Totally unrelated, but overnight, Rachel Dolezal opened an OnlyFans page. 12 hours later, OnlyFans announced they were banning “sexual activity” on their site.

now that’s America’s ass.

well, he’s got the bisexual-bob haircut going on there.

Karen Gillan would be perfect

a robot and his dog

Ken Burns.

The three words that describe you best, Harper, are as follows - and I quote:

I think the twins were the way they were because they knew something was wrong between mom and dad. In the epilogue, they’re both happy and smiling.

I agree 100%.

Those morons don’t even deserve a response from me, so I’ll post this instead:

Diwali’s next Saturday, and it’s gonna be lit like never before.

ok please god, make Stacey Abrams chairperson of the DNC for as long as she wants the job. Oh, and pay her $1 million/year.

...and we know that how, exactly?

well, there goes their national sport.

Sometimes I’m McC, sometimes I’m the dragon. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to everyone who took part in making this film.

they actually framed that shit  #dedication