Hyundai Tuscon Tucson.
Hyundai Tuscon Tucson.
I like my CX5 but hate driving an SUV ... if Mazda offered this in the U.S., particularly with a turbo, I’d be a buyer (even with the ... gulp ... auto tranny).
As a purveyor of sweet wagons (I own two), this Volvo really gets my blood pumping.
Trump Jr. squatted 300 lbs., or as I like to call it, 10 immigrant toddlers who his dad locked in cages.
“The intel is poor.” — Well maybe if we had better intel then the KD and Greek Freak comparisons would be correct.
I also saw them on this tour and this comment is 100% correct. They looked bored.
I’m definitely a fan of the Cars, despite some very questionable lyrics (“Geranium lover, I’m live on your wire”)? Listening to the demos is interesting because you can see how Orr and Ocasek’s vocals are so similar and almost completely interchangeable. The Cars did a great job of mixing great guitar licks with…
I didn’t notice the gun or the cross ... I couldn’t get my eyes off of the Holiday Inn-esque flower pictures in the background that were hung at uneven heights. Somebody’s “Honey-Do” list should include buying a Level off of KinjaDeals.
This new era of shifting will at some point result in a new era of bunting. In this case, Gallo might have had a chance at a bunt double if he could’ve laid one down the 3rd base line.
That look on his face is, “Fuck that, I don’t autograph no FedEx’s ... only UPS’s.”
You can certainly try to wax a car that way but leather can be abrasive to paint.
This post is correct. The entire ‘70s consisted of various shades of brown, including the ultimate in brownness: wood panelling.
Should be easy to load the 5 garbage cans the truck conveniently parked right next to.
I was going to start a new thread for the first gen Audi TT I loved/hated but I figured this thread was as appropriate as ever to talk about it. Was dependable through the warranty and then broke down repeatedly. Once when I was trying to sell it and a guy was on his way over to test drive it I was backing it out of…
A flu shot? Sorry ... I guess I didn’t catch your drift.
I’ll correct the ad: “It will get you from A to B ... MAY-B.”
Musgrove’s a big dude! 6' 5" and 265 lbs.! I did like how half the guys were standing around smiling and chatting. It was kind of like, “Yeah, yeah ... we knew retribution was coming.”
Is it me or is she Cabbage-Patching?
Colangelo needs to trust the investigative process.
A wagon with a turbo and a manual tranny ... I’d be a buyer. So they’d definitely sell 1.