
Looks to me like you caught her breaking into the trunk. Of the Ferrari, sickos.

$kay — I’ll go old school and say that he has many anchovies for you.

I remember watching the announcer-less NFL game when I was a kid and it was ........ so boring to watch. I know it sounds like a good idea but it wasn’t.

Model: “Okay Mr. Photographer, what kind of car am I going to sex up today?”

As a 300TE driver with a preference for modestly-priced classic cars, this gentleman has excellent tastes in automobiles and I would gladly watch his TV show.

He’s a professional athlete who is old and is wider than he is tall ... to me that makes him the greatest human on Earth.

I estimate 80% of this woman is American and 20% of this woman is Siliconian.

Either plaid or pasha. Interiors have gotten so boring.

Unfortunately for me I picked Vlad to start this week on my Fantasy Dictator Hockey Team and got my clock cleaned by the guy who started Maduro. I would’ve won two years in a row! My pick of Mugabe last year dominated! Oh well.

Tom should have drank more ionized water to prevent that burn.

Based on the limited amount of fabric, a value shopper such as this fine young lady probably spent less than a few dollars on these shorts. An excellent purchase.

And it’s “droll”.

I was actually implying she appears to have symptoms of scarlet fever, but whatever.

She should be careful rubbing up against all of that rust ... she might end up needing a tetanus shot. To go along with the penicillin shot she also might need.

Those shoes have a higher profile than the tires.

Somebody please feed her. Eating a bathing suit is not nutritious.

That seal will cut you if you look at it wrong. And probably if you look at it right. Said another way, don’t fuck with that seal.

When I was dating my now-wife she drove a Corolla very, very similar to this one. I’ve got to say that I didn’t feel remotely safe driving that car at highway speeds.

Revenge of the Dongs.

Did they tell you that you’d be working on their branding and positioning?