I'm A Different Bird

I assumed that they push out whatever they have due to the old agreement that if Sony didn’t use a Marvel character they own in a movie, the rights would revert back to Marvel.

I suspect Sony picked her for a movie 100% purely because she’s related to the whole Spider-verse comic event thing, and looks like the only option (within what they have rights to aka don’t have to share with Marvel) that could let them set up some big multi-part saga. Within the tight confines of “just Spider-man,

That’s not even the worst part. I’m convinced the writers have some kind of black mail over Sony. Let’s take a look at their entire filmography, shall we?

Yikes really? That’s a prime example of failing upward, good lord. 

Maybe now we can say that Meritocracy is the biggest lie of humanty...

At this point I assume these movies must be some sort of producers level money grab.   Or whatever licensing agreement Sony has with Marvel requires releases constantly and they are just forced to put any script they have into production.

Want the best part of this? It is the same writer, the story is made by the same person that worked on Morbius. They literally rewarded mediocrity

You realize the Morbius Re-release is one of the greatest cases of a large corporation getting punked in the history of PR.

And? The Bronco market was well known; so far it appears the only ones buying Elons Semi launch Ramp are Douces like the YouTuber

This article should be called Another YouTuber Chases Fame by Wasting Everyone’s Time.

In their defense, there’s only so many people with the self esteem low enough to want this vehicle. 

CarMax Won’t Give You MSRP For Your Cybertruck

as long as there are videogames there will always be 13 year olds processing heavy trauma through them.

The weird-ass Amico cult is stilla around, I guess.

I was born in 1977. (We had an Atari 2600, not an Intellivision, as the latter didn’t come out until 1981 in the UK). I’m pretty sure I don’t fit your “children” stereotype.

The OG intellivision hit after the Atari not before. As for the caretakers of intellivision they were the blue sky rangers and after a few died I believe they sold the rites to the current guys running it. Who couldn't have done a worse job of trying to do something with the licenses.

The Intellivision released in 1979 - 44 years ago. So even assuming this hypothetical ideal journalist played it as a young child during its “heyday”, they would be at or over 50 years old. How many in that age bracket are even around or left in the volatile tech journalism field? Between that and the fact that 2/3 of

I figured the logic here was that it would be available on smart TVs so you could install it there and then use your phone as a controller Jackbox-style.

I think this is part of why the DCEU failed. They started with his origin, he was barely just starting, which could have been fine, but they wanted Justice League so they rushed it, completely skipping over him actually becoming the guy we know. We needed a post-MoS movie (Man of Tomorrow, come on!) with him