I honestly hadn’t realized that movie existed until Samoa Joe started using Another Body Murdered for his walkout music back in his ROH days. And then I looked at that soundtrack, and I was just like, where has this been all my life?
I honestly hadn’t realized that movie existed until Samoa Joe started using Another Body Murdered for his walkout music back in his ROH days. And then I looked at that soundtrack, and I was just like, where has this been all my life?
There was never actually a standalone Batman movie in the DCEU. The one Batman movie they made, they made sure to explicitly not set it in the DCEU. Meanwhile, the whole thing started with a Superman movie, went into Superman vs. Batman, and then into Justice League; they definitely tried to use Superman as the…
I think the reason it all felt off is because it was basically forced on people who didn’t want to do it. One of the bones of contention between Feige and Perlmutter was that Perlmutter really wanted to do Inhumans, and Feige thought that was a terrible idea. Once Feige got control of Marvel Studios, Perlmutter moved…
I still think they should have gone with Thanos’s comic book motivation. With so much discourse about incels radicalizing these days, killing half the universe to impress a girl who won’t give him the time of day makes complete sense as a villain motivation.
I’m pretty sure Sony is already prepping a Turner D. Century stand-alone trilogy that will reveal that he was Peter Parker’s great-grandfather’s roommate.
My favorite part is when she yelled “It’s webbing time!” and webbed all over the bad guys.
In their defense, a lot of adults were watching the 90s DC toons. Fox even briefly gave Batman a prime-time slot on Sundays. It was the lead in to The Simpsons, IIRC.
I mean, have you seen Allen’s recent work? Dude couldn’t even do The Santa Clauses without shoehorning in some War On Christmas bullshit.
This... People are surprised by this?
My dude. The Intellivision was discontinued in 1991, and hadn’t been relevant for long before that (at least since 83). There are people who weren’t born yet when it was on the market that now have kids old enough to drive. It’s not that Kotaku writers are children, it’s that you’re old.
Literally just checked that myself. I have three different Android TV devices in my home, and using the phone to control the game on the TV seems like a pretty easy use case for this. But nope, of course not, because why would anything about this fiasco be executed even remotely well?
I think what they’re saying isn’t that Home Improvement was somehow toxic, but quite the opposite - that it wasn’t toxic enough for the tastes of many on today’s right (including, one would think, modern Tim Allen). And the reason for that is that the hyper-masculine character is not toxic at all; he’s often…
Secret Invasion was balls. I stopped after the first episode, and everything I read about it tells me I made the right choice.
I think that’s the thing that people don’t get when they make comments like that. You don’t really need to understand every single detail. I used to read a lot of Spider-Man and X-Men comics, and one of the things I figured out very quickly was that these characters were part of a larger world and I wasn’t going to…
Haven’t ordered from them myself, but as far as I can tell, they operate out of On The Border restaurants in my area.
At least with that one, they gave you a clue. Even if you needed to know Chuck E. Cheese deep lore to get it.
What they want is for their kids to learn that their bodies and desires are sinful, so they are filled with depression and self hatred. Because people filled with depression and self hatred are easier to control with religion.