You know what you doing
You know what you doing
It was the trajectory TFA placed him on, IMHO. Teasing his redemption just to have him kill his father, one of the most beloved characters in Star Wars, in cold blood made him seen unredeemable.
This sounds really cool on paper, but who knows how it’d be if it were ever actually made. I mean, even the Justice League Snyder Cut leaks sound cool on paper, and after sitting through his takes on Superman and Batman, I'm sure I would hate it.
Wait, did you really have a recipe that recommends half a cup of pancake mix to two eggs? At that point, you're practically making eggy pancakes.
Hopefully, this means a big push for her. I mean, if the next phase of the MCU doesn't feature a Squirrel Girl movie, what are we even doing here?
I've been toying with getting one of the older Switches, putting Android on it, and trying to run GeForce Now to achieve this exact same thing. Something like this would be superior, since it wouldn't depend on cloud services.
I mean, who wouldn’t be?
The use is that these buttons are on the back, and are now more accessible when using the thumbsticks than the face buttons are. This can be important for, for example, FPS players. It can also be useful for some gamers that have limited mobility in their hands.
I’m not going to waste much time on this. 1, he was obese and didn’t start bettering himself until he was almost 30. That takes a tole on your looks for anyone.
Hot buttered coffee with a dollop of snake oil in it. That’s the secret.
Where I’m at, whole chicken thighs are routinely on sale for a dollar a pound, while boneless skinless thighs can top $3 a pound. The math still works for the whole ones, IMHO. Plus, as mentioned, you get the bones for stock.
Fried pig skin (pork rinds) tends to be more of a thing here. Not sure why chicken skin isn’t, since everybody loves a nice, crispy skin on their chicken.
I know how she feels. I took a tour of Auschwitz, and all they talked about is how terribly the Nazis treated the Jews. I came to experience an enjoyable tour of a real concentration camp, not a guilt trip.
In a way, that is exactly what they did. Anybody who backed Shovel Knight or bought it before the Treasure Trove rebrand got every single one of those expansion campaigns for free. It was only then that they started selling the individual games separately and raised the price of what was now a compilation title.
One thing I’d suggest is to consider trains for your holiday travel, if you live along one of their routes. Normally, Amtrak isn’t that much cheaper than flying, but they don’t raise their rates seasonally like the airlines do, so this time of year, it is so, so much cheaper. Going from Kansas to Los Angeles, I paid…
Because society at large has a Nazi problem. And they use social networks (which Steam is one, in addition to a game store) to propagate their ideals.
I wouldn’t say that’s all of them. I got selected for a search at Heathrow recently when flying back to LA, and the agent conducting the search was perfectly pleasant and genial.
My feeling is, if I’m going to buy from Amazon anyway, I’ll use AmazonSmile. It doesn’t cost me anything extra, and it means money will go to charity that otherwise wouldn’t have. But it doesn’t sway me to buy from Amazon over another retailer.
What I usually do is, after making waffles and while the iron is still hot, I’ll put a damp paper towel in and then turn it off. The residual heat will boil the water in the paper towel, and the steam will loosen any grime stuck to the iron. Wait for the iron to cool down, then wipe it down and you’re good.