I'm A Different Bird

Wait, are you seriously talking about Vince McMahon?

People actually gamble on wrestling now, so I’m not sure that same fear applies today.

Despite what the dullard in the white house tells you, money does not equal intelligence.

Warren Theaters are also fantastic, for many of the same reasons. They recently got bought out by Regal, though, so I’m expecting that to change soon.

2) It’s great that they are diversifying snack offerings but for the love of mike can we do something with the fact that it takes forever? Separate lines for uncooked items? A “here’s your number” system for people who order hot food? It shouldn’t take 11 minutes to buy a bottle of water when I’m the second

I actually go to the movies fairly frequently, but that’s because I have a local theater that has a 21-and-over section with heated, reclining seats and a full bar and grill. And the ticket price is still less than what I’d pay for a standard showing in LA (sometimes, living in a small market has its perks).

Was “bulletproof coffee” this year?

Big & Tall sizes do cost more, and the definition of what is Big & Tall tends to vary from store to store. Some stores start it at 2XL, some at 3XL, some actually stock special tall sizes like 2XLT and start it there.

Yikes. That is downright hostile. Sounds like you need to take your talents where they’ll be appreciated.

My MS account authenticates using Google Authenticator.

There’s such a thing as a “reasonable person” standard. No reasonable person would see the mere act of riding a bike as suspicious behavior.

You make Hulk Hogan sad.

If you beat it as Luigi, his name is used instead. The rest of the poem is the same, though, which means the rhyme goes from terrible to non-existent.

Has anyone successfully paired and used this with a non-PS4 device? I.E. PC, Nvidia Shield, Raspberry Pi, etc.? It looks like something that could be quite handy.

Has anyone successfully paired and used this with a non-PS4 device? I.E. PC, Nvidia Shield, Raspberry Pi, etc.? It

To be fair, that’s Alabama.

The problem is, their pizza is highly variable, with locations being anywhere between “it’s bad, but it’s cheap and even bad pizza is pretty good” and “I wouldn’t feed this to my worst enemy’s dog.”

Looks like we have our next CM Punk.

What’s a “proper airline”, in your opinion? Because the bigs that I’ve flown (United and American) are all-in on this unbundling nonsense. The only airline I’ve flown recently that doesn’t seem to be going that way is Southwest (which has its own idiosyncracies, to be sure, but that whole “2 checked bags included with

I still don’t get why. The daughter of a dude who could move things with his mind, in a life or death situation, moved herself with her mind. Seriously, why is that so goddamn far fetched that half the internet just can’t shut up about it?

That was quite a bit larger than any of the ships in Rogue One, though. And they seemed to imply that what she did was, essentially, one hell of a kamikaze attack.