I'm A Different Bird

There is no Trumpcare. All of Trump’s attempts to gut healthcare has gone nowhere, so the program that remains is pretty much Obamacare in total. Kimmel is giving Trump credit for the idea in order to divorce it from Obama’s name and effectively de-politicize it.

Honestly, how does this even get out of internal testing? It’s a calculator app, FFS; they’re not that difficult. I was writing them in C64 BASIC when I was 7.

  • How strongly attached to turkey are you? It has to be turkey, but I have done just a turkey breast in the past when the gathering was small.

Your party nominated and elected the current shitshow that the neo-Nazis are currently holding up as their ideal, so while you may not personally be a racist, obviously racism is not a dealbreaker for you when choosing your leaders or your best path forward.

There’s one in my town that actually has a dining room.

Of course, he has the right to say what he likes. Nobody is denying him that, unlike what he’d like to happen to the NFL players.

Agreed. I used to label myself “antisocial” in school, when it turned out I didn’t hate interacting with others, I just hated most of the activities others used to interact. When I discovered D&D, gaming, etc., I found I actually like people a lot.

I’m sorry, but no. Being a genius does not give you a free pass for being bad at your job or being a shitty human being. He’s done some great and very laudable things, but that doesn’t place him beyond criticism unless you’re one of those walking garbage piles who thinks that Rick from Rick & Morty is a goddamn role

Papa Murphy’s is a take and bake chain. They actually make really good pizza, but it’s a bit pricey for something you still have to cook when you get home.

We joke, but honestly, I think TNA’s library would be pretty valuable to WWE, considering how many of their top stars (AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe) and legends (Sting, Angle, Booker T) have been through there. Not as valuable as WCW’s, but there’s money to be made if WWE puts their marketing machine to work

Apples and walnuts are go-tos for my stuffing. Along with chopped-up, fried turkey giblets.

Then I agree with the article’s author: if you’re not willing to make a sincere apology (for whatever reason), then just STFU. These stupid non-apologies accomplish nothing.

Didn’t Blockbuster do something similar towards the end?

You enter the world by going inside a giant jack-o-lantern.

And see, there’s the problem. No matter what sociopathic behavior a company engages in, it’s all excused because “lol business!”

Somebody always pops up to say this, and that somebody is almost always wrong. Copyright does not require any sort of affirmative defense in any way shape or form. It can be enforced as narrowly and selectively as one likes, so there is no compulsion for EA to stop the distribution of the code here. Trademark (which

Just goes to show that EA doesn’t care about their games or their players.

Never buy any tech on promises of features being added later. Sometimes it actually does happen, but more often than not, the feature only ends up shipping in a compromised form, if it does at all.