I'm A Different Bird

Hey, Duff McWhalen is pretty much the best name ever.

It’s a lot cheaper and can run a full-on Linux distro.

While that’s some small comfort, it doesn’t change the fact that Valve’s caching error exposed a ton of PII. They need to answer for this.

but they refuse to treat them like part of the business and not like the enemy.

One that I like is The Expendabros, an Expendables 3-themed version of Broforce. If you like Broforce... well, it’s more Broforce. And if you haven’t tried Broforce, it’ll give you a good taste of what to expect.

Because Gamergate.

I guess it depends where you live. There’s a local chain where I live called CD Tradepost that sells used CDs, movies, and games, and where I used to live in LA, there was a great shop called Game Dude that had everything going back to the 2600.

Yes, but PC has less of the kind of douchenozzle who’d come back to a comment half a year later to say “told you so”. So there’s that.

I don’t think that anybody is offended by “Merry Christmas”. Certainly, I’ve never encountered anybody who has been — the worst I’ve ever gotten is a polite correction when I say it to the wrong person, which pales in comparison to the kind of histrionics I’ve seen “Happy Holidays” draw.

We have one of those around the office. We decided the best way to keep it from snitching was blackmail, and to that end, we took a ton of photos of it in very compromising positions. I still look at them when I need a laugh.

Nah, the best thing about that movie was the Darth Maul fight. The podracing scene, at least to me, always felt overly long and out of place. It felt like it was only there to sell the video game.

Yeah. Post-Secret Wars, he’s a rich science guy with a corporation that funds a ton of research, while Miles Morales is keeping the Spider-Man mantle alive.

And on the other side, you have people like Tony Stark and Peter Parker, who function as corporate sources of (mostly) good.

Hockey? The sport that basically sells itself on impromptu fights breaking out between hotheaded players?

There are a number of OTA DVR options, actually. Tivo Roamio and Simple.TV are two of the more well-known ones. And you can always roll your own from an old PC, if you have one laying around. Microsoft discontinued Windows Media Center, but there are a number of other DVR programs that are quite nice, such as NextPVR,

There are a number of OTA DVR options, actually. Tivo Roamio and Simple.TV are two of the more well-known ones. And

You should try some of the awful unlicensed drek that was on NES. Menace Beach was way worse than Bubsy, and it still wasn’t the worst; that’d probably go to one of the “games” on Action 52.

If “magic force powers” are a problem, then maybe Star Wars just isn’t for you?

Patience. They’ll ship out more after the new year.

I still think they should have brought back Andrew Garfield as Peter, only to transition the mantle to Miles somehow.

Not just the Japanese game industry. The American industry is just as bad in that regard.