I'm A Different Bird

Not excusing everything there, but I read where they griped about Goodwill execs making “half a million dollars per year” and almost busted out laughing. If they really think that’s “top dollar” for a C-level executive of a multinational corporation, even a non-profit one, they have no idea what they’re talking about.

I really hope Nintendo doesn’t take the frankly insane step of suing their most passionate fans. That never ends well for anybody; just ask Metallica.

I’ve occasionally seen those in accessible bathrooms, but you’re right, they should be adopted more widely. They are great.

I usually flush with my foot in public toilets because I’m a tall dude with a bad back, and the flusher handle is usually pretty low set. Also, because triggering things by kicking them is just cool. Never thought of it as a germ avoidance technique.

It must hurt to be so cynical.

Or you can keep going until the next checkpoint and the other party members will automatically catch up to you.

I’m definitely donating to this. I need this game like a fish needs water.

Actually, I think they were pretty clear that it’s a notgame.

What about something like The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth, where you can finish the game in a night, but the real value is in replaying the game over and over?

Banner did see a therapist for a while, Dr. Leo Samson. He even managed to cure Banner briefly. Naturally, it didn’t end well; Samson ended up exposing himself to gamma radiation and becoming a superhero himself, while Banner became the Hulk again out of jealousy.

The storm drain, of course.

Yeah... This still doesn’t explain much. I get it, people don’t understand English. So why not just change the text?

I think that’s mostly for him to decide. Undoubtedly, this has caused drastic upheaval in his life, and he might not be happy with that.

You mean other than half the media of the country calling him a terrorist, and the other half asking if he is, perhaps, a terrorist?

Now playing

The Chip-o-little lady made me think of this:

We’re trying the Julia Child method this year. Removing the legs, spatchcocking the rest of the bird and searing it before the roast, and roasting it on a huge bed of stuffing. We’ll see how it goes.

That’s what rentals were for. Dad used to give me a 10 dollar bill and send me off to Blockbuster, and I’d pick out two games that were my weekend.

I didn’t own it either, but I remember Nintendo having to send free gloves to people who owned it because people rotated the stick so fast it cut into their hands.

It sounds like Guy Fieri takes himself way too seriously. Which makes me wonder, how the hell does a guy who looks, dresses, and acts like Guy Fieri does take himself seriously at all?