I'm A Different Bird

No One Lives Forever still sits in limbo, but this drek is getting a re-release.

While that’s true, gerrymandering could likely be overcome if we could get decent turnout. Turnout for the 2014 midterms was ridiculously low; something on the order of 20% of eligible voters, IIRC. That’s why the right-wingers win so big even though they represent so few of us; because they vote in every single

Yeah, we’re not great on workers’ rights here. We have minimum wage, and OSHA provides at least basic protection against hazardous workplaces, but that’s pretty much it.

It’s not an either/or question. Tarkin and Vader are both responsible.

I really, really hope you never have to cook for somebody who has Celiac.

Yeah, that customer did everybody working there a huge favor.

The guest characters are the coolest thing about Soul Calibur. Being able to play as Link in SC2 was awesome.

Just this once, I’ll let her speak for me. I really do not give a fuck about the whole nontroversy surrounding her, and I think the wastoids who make a giant issue out of every female who’s involved, no matter how tangentially, in gaming make me want to puke . Oh, yes, I know, you have reasons for hating her. She

They could always do what Steam did, and implement a public handle that can be different from your login name. Can’t change your login name, but can change your public handle.

Bonk would be great. Then all the console mascots of the 16-bit era would be in.

I, too, have completely lost the ability to even.

That’s certainly a surprising choice. After all, Cloud’s game marked the end of the relationship between Square and Nintendo. If they were to include a Final Fantasy character, I’d have thought Kain or Terra would have been the one to get in.

Not to disrespect the pumpkin ice cream, but if you really want an easier alternative to pumpkin pie, try sweet potato pie. If you use the same spices, you won’t be able to tell the difference.

It’s times like this that I really hate Kansas’ backwards liquor laws. And Kansas’ backward laws in general.

Fair enough, but honestly, adding any kind of fat to your sandwich isn’t going to do much for the ol’ waistline.

It’s kind of hard to do an apples-to-apples comparison on that, considering that there is no console version of Arma 2 or 3.

Which games are those, and what settings did you use?

Any fat will do the job, actually. Mayo is a traditional sandwich topping for exactly this reason.

Yes, it does. Or have you not noticed those consoles struggling to even hit 1080p in modern games?

No, it’s really not. You certainly can obtain a Steam machine for a console price, and it’s every bit as powerful as a console (which is to say, not very). If you want more power, you have to pay more.