I'm A Different Bird

Honestly, I kind of think it’s meant to be a satire of the ongoing pissing contest between Marvel and Fox. Squirrel Girl is a very meta character, after all; it’d make all kinds of sense.

Most companies do put a lot of effort into developing quality PC ports. Arkham Knight is not the rule, it’s the exception.

I agree with your general sentiment (they just didn’t put the care necessary into the PC port), but I’m not sure I agree with the particulars. For one, people have reported needing 12gb of system ram to make the game run smoothly, and I don’t care how different the architecture is, you can’t make 8gb equal 12gb. For

That’s the way things were in the mid-2000s,actually. That changed when publishers realized just how much money they were leaving on the table. PC gaming is huge business.

The OS’s aren’t even that different. XB1, at least, runs a stripped down version of Windows and uses the same APIs.

This is really, really sad. Asylum and City were great on PC, so it boggles my mind how they were able to drop the ball this freaking badly. I really want to see the inevitable post-mortem on this story.

My $400 gaming PC lasted me about 4 years before I felt the upgrade itch. Though I admit, I did bring the price down by cannibalizing a few parts (case, power supply, and drives) from a previous PC.

I’m all for e-cigs (and have argued for them in the past), but there really need to be better safety regulations around them, IMHO. Especially the batteries. There are just too many cheap, badly-regulated units on the market causing problems.

At this point, I think I’d rather just see the EX characters integrated into the main Street Fighter line.

That isn’t as true as it used to be, and regardless, this is a terrible example of that. Arkham Knight isn’t a terribly groundbreaking game, and you certainly don’t need 12gb of ram to play 99.99% of AAA games released today. This is just a shitty, buggy, poorly optimized port. Much like Bayonetta was.

So what you’re saying is that Bayonetta was ported by a third party who did a terrible job and released a poorly optimized port, and this is totally different than Arkham, which was ported by a third party who did a terrible job and released a poorly optimized port.

Precisely. Iron Galaxy did the PC version of Arkham, and somewhere between them and Rocksteady, a lot of balls were dropped.

Bad ports happen on consoles too. It’s absurd to say this is strictly a PC problem, especially with such prominent examples as Bayonetta and Skyrim from the last generation.

Because they’re morons.

But then you get into the people who have limited capacity for RAM upgrades (like myself; most of my gaming is on a mini-ITX HTPC, which only has 2 RAM slots). And if you’re at all performance oriented, and you’re not on LGA2011, having an odd number of DIMMs installed will be a detriment.

Arkham Knight could be, too, if anybody who had a single clue was working on the patch.

Steam’s policy is that you have to have owned it for less than 14 days and played it for less than 2 hours. They’ve been known to make exceptions, though, and this is definitely a reason to. I’d put in a request with a detailed explanation of why, and see what happens.

I guess this whole article is my response to the guy yesterday when he said, “Why pay 400 dollars for a console when you can pay 400$ for a PC that will last you for 10 years.”

The cheapest 12GB DDR3 kit on Newegg is $50. Where the fuck does this guy buy bananas?

The problem is, the idea that “America always does what’s right” is such a drastic departure from Captain America’s character that it feels incredibly artificial.