I’ll be honest, there’s nothing said in GTA that he wouldn’t be hearing on the schoolyard anyway. At least if his school is anything like mine was.
I’ll be honest, there’s nothing said in GTA that he wouldn’t be hearing on the schoolyard anyway. At least if his school is anything like mine was.
Yeah, I tend to prefer when the actual comics don’t resemble Scott Kurtz’ seminal Batman story, Batman: My Parents Are Dead.
Don’t forget The Captain.
Very cool. Only thing missing now is the ability to link levels together into a full game.
They’re different. Eating the Pumpkin Spice Latte ones is like eating the Pumpkin Spice ones, then chasing them with a swig of the nastiest Folger’s Instant you can find.
Man, that amazes me. My company puts new hires through 4 weeks of training. All paid. I can’t even imagine the mentality that would allow for otherwise. Hell, our trainees aren’t even put in a position to actually work until the last week, because they don’t really know how yet (hence why they’re in training). But…
I’ve long said that the best evidence against the existence of God is that, if He were out there, He would have done something about His fan club a long, long time ago. Articles like this only reinforce that, in my mind.
Indeed, Youtube and Atlus can do these things. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Culture and art are meant to be shared, and commented upon, and remixed. Somehow, we’ve lost sight of these things.
I’m pretty much the only person on the Internet that prefers the US SNES design to the SFC, aren’t I? I always liked the raised bits on the top, and those chunky slider switches for power and reset. It’s the SFC design that always struck me as overly boring and utilitarian; it just looks like a box.
Yes... Yes, you could. In fact, you got a console, 2 controllers, 2 games, and a light gun.
If all you needed was shared APIs, there never would have been a problem in the first place. The entire Xbox line was built around Directx.
FIne, it’s like complaining that the paper puts the soccer scores up before you watch your recording.
Between the Kirkland stuff, the gas, the food court, etc. it’s definitely a nice thing to have. I make up a good chunk of my membership fee just by buying Allegra from them.
Lucas did plenty to stripmine nerd wallets before he sold it to Disney, let’s not lie to ourselves.
There’s already a very well established “Zelda maker”out there. Look up Zelda Classic.
FFS, buy a USB hard drive and quitcherbitchin. We all know Wii U’s storage is rather small. We don’t need to rehash the point over and over and over. They gave you an easy way to expand, so take advantage of it.
No, you tried. It was a very poor attempt, and a complete failure, but you tried.
I think it’s because they’re playing them in a vacuum, instead of playing the whole worlds I make at once.
So, basically, you made a dumb, misinformed post, and now you’re trying to make everybody else feel bad for pointing out exactly how dumb and misinformed you are. Cool. Whatever gets your rocks off, I suppose.