I Made This Burner For You

I’m a YA author, and I’ve been hurt by reviews, too. But *they’re not for me*. They’re for readers who might be curious about my work. If I need to, I vent privately to friends and then move on. I would never publicly set my huge following on a stranger for having an opinion about my work. Does this person from the

Invitation: Ghost Orgy

The Breathing in the Attic

Let me preface this by saying I don’t believe in ghosts. I believe there is a reasonable explanation for what I experienced. I just don’t know what it could be.

I grew up in an old house. The kind with high ceilings and big windows and lots of creaking. We had a full attic, filled with

Ok, one of the creepiest things that ever happened to me was when I was in college.

This will surely get buried but that’s okay— I have a “thing” for cabins. On grid glamping, off grid camping, I love it all. I work heavily in tech and “unplugging” has been the way to stay sane.

(Not a native English speaker, sorry.)

That’s lovely.

My stepgrandmother was a very religious every day, prayers before every meals, you get it. She also lived to a ripe old age and was well and “with it” all the way through. She only lived with her daughter towards the very end of her life and even then, it was more out of convenience than need.

Just Popped In To Say Hi

I’m late to the party again! Oh well, here goes.

So apparently I have seen a ghost but I was too young to remember.

Demons Everywhere, Apparently

This isn’t too scary, maybe just a bit spine tingling.

I was working in a northernish reserve school in Alberta back in the late nineties. Everything in this world is political, and first nation reserves are no exception, so when the gym teacher (whose real name is actually the name I use to give anything a fake name so we’ll call him Jorge instead) came to us on a cold

I would love to share a story I posted on reddit about a year ago. It is not creepy enough by any means to make it to the top but I would love to get people’s thoughts on what the hell it could have been.

Title: Roommate

One of my longest childhood friends passed about ten years ago from breast cancer. She was 48. Her and I were best friends more like sisters from the age of 9. I was with her through the last days of her illness and when she passed on. Afterwards I had a really hard time accepting that she was gone and would ask her

I attract “weird” people. I’ve been told this is because of my calm nature, and I can attest to this(calm nature)having worked with teens some who had mental health issues. They were attracted to me for better or worse. Teens with mental health diseases I can handle, weird adults no.


I’m not a believer in anything spiritual, but when I was a child that was different.