I Made This Burner For You

I’m specifically talking about them calling it “appropriation” which I disagree with. They seem to be saying that pole dance is only for exotic dancers and anything other than that is “appropriation” which is pretty nonsensical, in my opinion. Pole dance isn’t a sacred art form, it isn’t culturally important to any

I mean, I totally think people need to mind their business and not disparage sex workers, but I agree with you, it’s not appropriation. Anyone who does it as a hobby and then says, “Oh, but I’m not a stripper!” sucks and needs an attitude adjustment, but they aren’t appropriating. 

If you want to fuck up your ankles and get some skinned knees, sure. They aren’t designed to be a street shoe (as discussed in the article). 

If they die mad, he will lose his titles and no one would hire him or his wife. And he never drew the boundaries. His family did when they denied his initial request, nay, demands, that he be allowed to continue with this royal duties and make money on the side.

Apple’s feature will devastate small businesses”

I seriously doubt that if they are complaining that Apple’s version will hurt their bottom line.

lol, yeah...Google’s ‘working on it’...(not-so-subtle wink wink)

Google is an advertising company, I can’t see them adding something that defeats advertising.

Considering google is on facebook side? No.

No, there aren’t similar features for Android users. It would be against the purpose of the platform.

Always keep in mind that Android was made to get information about you, to track you, and to help serve you ads. You are Google’s product - their customers are the one buying the ads across all their product ranges.


Orthorexia reborn.
Not to mention, there is nothing I would rather not bond over with other women than meat. Meat? Really?

They sound like Trump-voting anti-vaxxers if you ask me, all whacked up on antibiotics, steroids and growth hormone.

Thank you for reporting on this niche carnivorous community. I am disappointed, however, not to see any reflection on the environmental impacts of factory farming, which, in turn, impacts physical health. These women carnivores seem to ignore the threat over-consumption of meat, poultry and dairy poses to the

I wonder what the Venn diagram of these people and climate-change denying Trump supporters would look like.  The former maybe not entirely enclosed by the latter, but not far off I’ll bet.

Hogan explained that though she closely followed her doctor-prescribed low carb regimen, her carb cravings persisted.”

Ironically, they do not sound "chill" at all! I guess being the "chill girl" is probably like being an "alpha guy" where everything you do to prove you are one just proves you're not.

I’m not a committed carnivore or vegetarian. I am just iffy on meat, not because of health or animal rights...I just almost never want it or want to prepare it. If someone makes it for me, and I don’t see any fat and it’s not ground...okay. I cannot do any ground meat.

Eating too much protein wrecks your kidneys and is potentially linked to premature aging, so um, good luck with that, ladies.

They always did. There’s a lot of social capital in being the Chill Girl.

Cool cool. Women can have toxic masculinity now too...