
Kinja’s infinite scrolling should be placed on leave.

The carriage agreement only covers pre-boarding actions when related to overbooking. The plane was boarded, airline rules are out FAA rules are in.

“They overbooked the flight.”

By law (or regulation), if the airlines delays your flight for reasons within their control (mechanical failures and weather are exempted), it has to pay you a certain fee based on how long the delay is and whether it’s a domestic or international flight. I think in this case it would be four times the cost of a

This video should be shown to libertarians, followed by “this is what happens when corporations are no longer ‘tied down’ by government.”

Margot’s not a catcher, he’s an outfielder. Nor is this Bethancourt’s major league debut, either as a pitcher or a player.

Hate to keep spinning this record, but this new(?) video player is not working

I’m guessing it means that whoever Cleveland faces is the playoffs is going to be so frightened by LeBron’s reputation for blocking lay ups from behind that they are going avoid them completely, even when LeBron is at the other end of the court, or on the bench, because shooting lay-ups exactly what he WANTS them to

As one of the world’s leading Lebron James Stans, I actually find his virulent front runnerism sort of cute:

Yeah I wondered the same thing. It seems pretty assholeish and short sighted of gizmodo to offer leakers a secure method of leaking material only to exploit every last bit of metadata their anonymous source might have inadvertently left onboard, thereby potentially exposing the source. If anything it will create a

Is that where they escape that terrible song?

Except that liberals are leading the player safety cause specifically because they recognize that football players are not pieces of meat but humans.

This is probably the 10th article about Brady Deadspin’s had just since the Superbowl. He is attractive and all, but this is getting stalker-esque.

Man, you guys are obsessed with Brady

This isn’t an infrastructure issue. It’s an unexpected amount of water issue. Even when the dam was brand new it wouldn’t be able to handle this.

Fer Feck Sake, It’s been 14 hours since we’ve won a championship in Boston. Cut us some slack and stop reminding us that we either have to wait until June or at the worst October for another one.

I don’t buy it.

I’m not getting paid for these.

And, just to recap:

About ten years ago, I went to a talk given by a former US intel officer, and he said that despite the ever-increasing quality and proliferation of video, that much of his type of clandestine work is still done by still photography as it captures moments. (former DC policy wonk, sorry. I’m better now) These photos are