
Careful Dom, you’re gonna get fired for posting something complimentary of the Patriots.

I can’t even comprehend this. I had Time Warner and their absolute top end was “up to 50 Mbps” and that cost more than $100 a month. And I never hit more than 24 Mbps in reality. 300 Mbps and you don’t even have fiber? Insane.

I loved this comment the first twenty-five times I saw it. Now I just like it.

Chris Carter suddenly becoming a really productive bat would require him to basically become a brand new ball player.

Alleged rule breaker*

Barry I haven’t sent you a taunting email either so I just wanted to go on record as saying haha suck it bitch.

I think this perception of Boston is outdated. I can’t really think of a time in the last ~20 years (my life as a Boston sports fan) when fans really harassed one of their own. Nomar took some shit but he deserved it and he ended up getting a World Series ring anyway.

But but but every Pats fan is a bandwagoner!

Again, Butch! Spew more bitterness! It’s only 11am, I need more of you pussies complaining.

Calling others “sore winners” on a blog plastered with the sorest loser shit in sports is fucking beautiful. Keep it coming, you rejects of real sports journalism.

Suck it, Barry! If this shyte blog lasts another year I’ll be back to taunt you after Brady’s 6th championship, too.

Nobody wants to hear this, but the reason this shit happens is that guys who coach football for a living are not that smart.

In a couple more years he’ll be assaulting cabbies.

I know this is sports and dumb hyperbole is how we talk about sports, but as somebody who’s going to lose my healthcare when this ACA repeal gets done, this type of comment seems so appallingly tone-deaf. It’s a game.

Shit you’re right.

Have faith Tim, there’s a chance that Brady will be reborn as a mediocre writer for a dumpy sports blog in the future life.

Hey everyone just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for hating my team so much. Your bitter tears make this so, so much sweeter. You fucking bitches.

Ray Lewis hates the Patriots. He slams them every chance he gets. I don’t understand anything about this video.

Wow, this thread sure is shedding some light on why our military is such a fucking disaster.

I’m a lifelong Patriots fan and I totally agree.