
1 mph is well with in the acceptable margin of error to not issue a ticket, I mean unless you have cruise control set it is sort of hard at times to maintain the same speed exactly. And 1 kph is even a smaller margin of error, that cop was just having a bad day or something.

And you clearly don’t read because it was stated that the cop made an “educated guess” on the person’s speed and the cop was going below the speed limit when he was passed.

I’ve been a NYer since the mid-80s. I pass thru Times Square three or four times a year, usually to poop at the Marriott Marquis. It’s not so bad; it’s just not any place someone who has anything better to do - really, like anything - lingers for any appreciable length of time.


I agree. But I’m just going to come out and bring this up, because I can’t wrap my head around it:

Maybe not drive for 36 hours endangering others on the road? Dumbass.

Yeah, this sounds suspiciously similar to a bus company that ran routes from Boston to NYC and was always in the shit to the point that they got shut down for a while. Fung Wah I think it was.

Not to dimunish what happened to her, but yes, we do need to amp up the conversation about the effects of fox blasting non-stop hatred, misogyny and racism & poisoning their gullible viewers. How much of their content was paid for by Vlad leading up to the election?

Agreed. I’m tired of people linking things together. I can believe she’s a garbage person. I can also believe Fox is a garbage network. And I can also feel horrible this happened to her.

Yes! Been saying this same thing for awhile. I remember history classes in high school and college that showcased all the propoganda films from Germany before and during WWII. Those films and posters were subject to massive study. Why aren’t we doing that with Fox news???? It’s bothering me so much.

Or he could be an analrapist.

I guess that means Jared is a never nude. Which is not an epiphany I needed just before bed.

Entrepreneurial idea for law school grads wondering what to do with their expensive law degree: A boutique law firm that does NOTHING but handle sexual assault / harassment / race & gender discrimination claims from FoxNews.

So agreed. I wish people talked about the effects of the Fox News network more. It’s a right wing propaganda machine and it works very successfully.

And tonight, a student at Georgia Tech was killed after calling the police for himself.

It’s certainly not light treason.

Yeah, but on the other hand, Nixon wasn’t dismantling the country from within at a neck-break speed towards unadulterated fascism.

Guy Fieri’s restaurant is there

It’s crowded, it’s expensive, and it’s full of tourist traps that give you none of the city’s unique flavor. Every New York resident you meet there does not want to be there, so you’ll come away thinking we’re dicks.

Good recommendations! One small tweak: I recommend walking the much-less-crowded Manhattan Bridge, from which you can see the beautiful Brooklyn Bridge. They land in the same part of Brooklyn.