I’m sure Seth MacFarlane will keep giving him work; he doesn’t have a single scruple, why would he care how unhinged and assholish Woods is?
I’m sure Seth MacFarlane will keep giving him work; he doesn’t have a single scruple, why would he care how unhinged and assholish Woods is?
Yeah, but... seems the dying are being replaced almost 1:1 with the younger generations, and that’s scary as hell. I hope I’m wrong, but it’s looking like I’m somewhat mostly a little bit correct for the moment =(.
He’s doing a better job with his second language than Rex is doing with his “first”(?) “language”(?)
Cut Rex some slack. He’s new to this and will eventually get there. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a few feet.
Scott Baio sucks too. And jenna jameson is a trump supporter (and Jewish now?) but I don’t know if she qualifies as hollywood
My only thoughts on this are that it’s a shame my 40 year old Pet Rock doesn’t bounce so that I can throw it at people who play with these things.
You’re assuming an awful lot from my wanting this bitch to shut the entire fuck up.
I’m not sure why everyone is always saying that Kylie is stealing a black girls look when the black girl with the purple hair clearly isn’t the only girl on this planet with purple hair.
Exactly. Long winded ass post that, from what I saw when I scanned it, is pretty much saying they dont see nor think that shes stolen from Black culture when this is her and her fams MO.
Well, this year for my birthday I got about $150 in a combination of hardware Store gift cards, because I built a deck.. Gonna be honest, this is not useful. Mainly in that anything I still need to buy from a hardware store is expensive and I have about $25 for 4 different stores, and $50 for Home Depot.
We really need to stop peddling the false narrative that most racists are old and dying out. These old racist assholes are having kids who are just as racist and shitty as them (see: 8 year old biracial boy who barely survived being lynched in NH by white teenagers, Twitter, the 2016 Presidential election).
The more natural fit that I see an increase amount of here, is grocery stores, drug stores and malls adding charging stations.
Yeah like an oil company would support vehicles that don’t use their economy-controlling product.
I’m amazed that all the comments on this article are supportive of the conclusion. Gift cards (or, as a few people say, cash) are reserved for people who you don’t expect a gift back from. Like Christmas gifts for teachers, gifts for nieces or nephews or other children in your life, wedding gifts or maybe even a…
Why are we all so allergic to straight up cash gift? Damn people begging me to give CASH gift everyday with their gofundme etc. I prefer to give cash gift to friends and family. Save me the trouble, save them the trouble. Don’t give me that crap like... what I am only worth 20? hey... if it was an actual gift, I…
They keep breeding new ones. There weren’t oldsters marching in Charlottesville.
The only time people should receive an actual gift from you is if it’s something you KNOW they like. And not “kinda know” either - you’ve scoped out exactly what sports teams your uncle supports; you’ve managed to suss out which Hogwarts house your Potterhead sister is in; and you know for certain that you mom’s…
I wish it wasn’t such a social taboo to just give people a wad of cash. It’s easy to give, easy to use and you never have to worry about what store will take it.
Why not just give cash if you are giving an Amex gift card? It’s literally just like cash except you pay a fee for no reason. Except for very specific circumstances (gifting to someone you don’t want spending the money on drugs perhaps) I don’t see the advantage.