
They’ve already started the war, it’s just a matter of when we start fighting back in earnest, and stop worrying about what they’ll say about us when we do. 

Precisely. This isn’t a “scandal” for people who were already voting for or considering voting for Kemp. If anything, it’s a bonus. And he knows it. 

There is nothing redeeming in anyone associating with Republicans or the right wing in America today. It’s not a matter of if civil war is coming, it’s if we start fighting back in time to have a chance in the one they’ve already started. 

Uh, “only?” 


This is because we, as a country, have reached Critical Stupid Mass, where the number of obstinately stupid people is self-sustaining despite all attempts at education. 

I fully support the on-sight execution of anyone who has ever chanted “U-S-A.”

I’m becoming of the opinion that NDAs, as presently legislated, should be completely illegal. 

I don’t see how it could not be better than the current system where if you’re not one of those white kids that gets gifted a credit card as a teenager, paid in fully by mommy and daddy until you’re 30, tough shit. 

That robot had a child, somehow. 

White thing that’s more overrated: Napoleon Dynamite, or Eminem?

Notice he is still walking around and Tamir Rice was given 1.5 seconds before being murdered. 

You gotta love that she’s wearing a shirt inspired by Mexican culture.

I suppose there will be some schadenfreude to be had when she inevitably goes groveling back to Faux, but can you really take any pleasure from a whore - no matter how reprehensible a ‘human’ she may be - crawling back to her abusive pimp?

It doesn’t matter.

Trumpism is civil war. It’s precisely what they want. Again. Same people, same principles as last time. 

Republicans like to ignore the facts that the entire southwest was Mexican land until it was basically stolen (um, appropriated though manifest destiny, or some such nonsense you learned in social studies). As such, many people who live there are of Mexican heritage and still speak Spanish, despite being, I don’t

Every time I read one of these I have such a strong “wish a motherfucker would” reaction. Let one of these shitstains try this racist tantrum mess in a restaurant I’m patronizing, please

Megyn Kelly lives in the world that John Malkovich goes to when he goes through the door in Being John Malkovich. She can only see in shades of Megyn Kelly. 

Good points, though I’m not sure they necessarily have overwhelming sway over what, essentially, comes down to market forces. Provide a legal, safe, and regulated market and most people are happy to make use of it.