
But any effort at legislation or enforcement would, at minimum, make it more difficult and expensive for scum like this.

It would actually not be all that difficult to legislate against robocalls in all but a few situations such as the doctor’s office mentioned above. But that would be - GASP!!! - government regulation and anti-freeze-peach, or some such nonsense, so the slackjaws think they’re staunchly against it. It would probably,

This is just disgusting. This guy should be beaten to death, along with the judge and prosecutor. 

Funnily enough, I actually saw this reply via my notifications from the top right, so perhaps it has been addressed. 

I’m assuming it’s more kinja ad-blocker punishments, like the truncated tweets and vids.

I don’t know how Theo Rossi managed to find something he could do worse than Juice. 

I think “President Proud Rapist” is much more accurate and illuminating. 

It’s the only correct way to deal with Nazis. 

The satisfaction of being burned alive? I promise, if they manage to get any satisfaction out of it, mine will outweigh it by plenty enough to render it insignificant. 

That lisp is definitely a major source of his anger and self-hatred. 

White mediocrity is only outstripped by white cowardice. These shitbirds would never show up to harass these combat veterans if they thought there was any chance they’d actually have to throw down. I can’t wait until we all stop taking the high road and start burning these fuckers alive in the streets. 

It’s offensively inoffensive.

There’s no way anyone actually likes this milquetoast garbage, right? It’s music for people who don’t like music. 

maroon 5 > cardi b.

Google only contains knowledge. These people do not care at all about what they know, only what they believe

It’s so exhausting, so soul-destroying, but please, please keep exposing these fucking vampires. It is the only way they ever even whiff accountability. 

Hey, champ, when the “other side” is literally Nazis and the KKK, it’s not a grey area. Have fun “winning!” You guys are sure doing a lot of it. 

lol “everyone is abandoning the Northeast.”

I don’t have a pamphlet with numbers in my back pocket

Just hearing the name Amos Definitely” always reminds me that there’s some good in the world.