
I think putting them all on their own, separate train is a great idea. Ethnic separatism is their thing, right? Then, to demonstrate what would happen to their ethno-state if their little secessionist fetish were to come true, we lock it up, set it on fire, and laugh while they all die screaming.

lol only old people use SoundCloud anymore, Cheeto is the new social music platform, grandpa

Yeah, I had a Fightin’ Whities shirt 15 years ago. Wonder where that got to? 


I used to rock a shirt for the Fightin’ Whities when I lived in NYC. I never had many major negative reactions, but, then, Trump wasn’t “president,” either.

I remember when 5th Ave wasn’t even considered part of Park Slope. Of course, neither was anything south of 9th St. 5th Ave is one of the most starkly gentrified streets in all of Brooklyn over the last 20 years. How strange to be acting all racist there now, when there’s fewer people of color than probably any time

There’s no excuse. If you are shitty to wait staff and tip poorly for anything but significantly flawed service that is not corrected then you’re a worthless human being. I don’t care for your diatribe on how servers should be paid a living wage; I happen to agree with your point, but if you use it as an excuse to

Black-owned banks and credit unions are a start. If you must (banking is theft, but is a necessary evil for most), at least patronize those instead. 

OK, but here’s the thing: avocados - like bacon, tacos, and poached eggs - are known and accepted by intelligent people to be great things. I don’t need to hear about it all the damn time. Liking avocados (and bacon, tacos, and poached eggs) doesn’t make you interesting, it makes you not a moron. 

Can’t have an admitted traitor as POTUS.

It wouldn’t be presidential assassination, it would be self-defense. 

Their goal isn’t to win a logical argument, it’s to muddy the water so much that enough people lose interest and go back to hating brown people a lot. 

Can we stop telling the lie that Betsy DeVos has the best interest of this nation’s students at heart?

Man, fuck Christians. I’m done with it. If you love Jesus, come do something about your people, or fuck you, too. 

Gotta be nice to the Massa, right, Boss? 

All these #whitegenocide dipshits have truly become a self-fulfilling prophecy; I now desperately want white Americans to be wiped out. 

He’s not wrong, in the sense that he is only speaking for and about white people. 

You flew to Beijing in 5 hours???

When their neighbors are black, they choose not to know them. 

He cares very much that “election security” continues to mean Russian government operatives have full access and will help him and his cabal of kleptocrats and white supremacists maintain illegal power.