
I kind of miss a First Lady and President who were actually capable of a real smile. Among so many other things. 

There shouldn’t be an “after.” Every one of them should be publicly hanged for crimes against humanity.

“Fuck you” should be the only words this rancid cunt ever hears from anyone. Same goes for everyone who supports this shit. I’ve got my own “zero tolerance” policy.

Not only is this clown super racist (everyone in the GOP is, though, it’s the core of their platform), he’s super lazy and simply awful at costumes. He is the embodiment of sub-mediocre white privilege.

If you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day long, you are an asshole.

Technically the brain isn’t a bone.

the photo was taken some 10 years ago

If I saw someone do that I’d probably have to follow them around screaming Spanish into their face for the rest of their life.

I guess there’s good reasons that “there’s no ethical consumption in late-stage capitalism” kept running through my mind today...

Gentrification of Baltimore has been ongoing for a decade or more, now. I lived on Mt. Royal and North in ‘07 and already there were plenty of people from DC buying up cheap properties in Charles Village. And it was happening in much the same way it happens all over the place: marginalized whites (creatives, lgbtq,

...or would be, if it weren’t ludicrous to consider video games a “sport.”

It’s a burgeoning movement in some public housing philosophies. People are more likely to contribute positively to a community when they can find a sense of place and ownership.

That’s pretty much exactly what I’m saying, though there will always be outside money trying to come in, and not every outsider has ill intentions.

For everyone fixating on me saying “Whole Foods,” you’re missing the point.

People who live in the neighborhood/city opening businesses there that employ other people in the neighborhood/city, for one. Investing in education so that outside talent isn’t the only way to bring in new tax base. Housing programs that allow residents to work toward ownership rather than being pushed out by rising

This guy has a “degree in economics” AND he has my wrong??? What will he take next???

Gentrification does imply rising incomes, costs, and investment, while integration doesn’t, necessarily, but gentrification does not have to include displacement like it usually does in this country. It should lead to greater quality of life for everyone, not just the investor class.

What pisses me off so much is that gentrification doesn’t have to be a bad word. Bringing a solid tax base back to struggling areas is a good thing, if investment is made in the communities, people, and cultures that are already there, instead of just throwing up a couple of Starbucks, a “vintage” clothing store, a

Also known as “the full Oliver Cromwell.”

A rational society would have had his head on a pike a decade ago.