
Good. In case anyone wants to flip out over my position on this, I also support publicly executing all Trumpists. Have fun.

Don’t engage with anyone who uses “cuck” earnestly. There’s nothing to be gained.

This is ‘Murica, where pointing out the existence of white people’s racism is actually the most racist thing you can do.

I think it’s important to note that I got chicken curry for dinner in no small part due to this article.

Wait wait waitwaitwait wait...people got problems with curry chicken lunches?

Huh? Well this has got to be some bulls-...aight

lol it’s still amazing how stupid people can willfully make themselves.

“Cliché” is already past tense.

A schooner is a Volkswagen, stupidhead!

Globally offensive.

If it weren’t for getting online stuff delivered I wouldn’t receive anything in the mail.

lol no. Take your blackface troll act elsewhere.

16. Does this chain animus extend to other things?

All of this plus I like to know that my money is going to small businesses and local vendors as much as possible rather than a bunch of C-Suite douchebags and factory farms.

Sure, let’s give lots more column space to petulant no-talent sex criminal dipshits with overactive YouTube accounts.

This is about what I expect from Skellyanne...

Yo when I first glanced at headlines about Heineken’s racist ad it never, ever occurred to me that it would be this slap-you-in-the-mouth ham-fisted. What in all the fuck.

Of course they’re going after Facebook. That way it appears like they’re doing something without going after the people who actually did the dirt, Cambridge Analytica (i.e. the Mercers, Bannon, and the Rump campaign).

lol you’re a clown

Newark is really bad as far as accessing any kind of quality groceries in the city limits. I used to work there and if I didn’t bring lunch from home the only reasonable option was a fairly gross food truck that would come to the parking lot around lunchtime.