
Personally, as a developer, I see the Kindle Fire as a new platform with close ties to other Android devices. This is more akin to developing for OS X vs OS 9 back when that was still reasonable... you can target the masses (Android/OS 9), the rapidly growing future (Kindle Fire/OS X) or thankfully both if you have

If they're smart they'll cut their losses and keep it out of the US (gotta make a lot of units to ship them to all the stores in the US etc...). But they made these in the first place and are launching them side by side so I think we can see where that's going...

The problem is that facebook has a little bit of code embedded in thousands upon thousands of web sites (any site that has any level of facebook integration, from signing to like "like us" etc. anything that's sourced from facebook), so their tracking cookies can be used to track you, as a person, to MANY specific

This a thousand times from every corner of developer land. Please please go away IE so I don't have to write anything web based twice, once for IE and then again for EVERYTHING else... Take your activeX with you to the grave.

There's 2 important things that set the Kindle Fire apart from all the other "iPad Killers" (yes, laughable moniker, and not applicable to the fire either).

So it's a consumer grade version of ben heck's portal shirt with blood... still good, but not the first or most impressive.

This break down was both funny and accurate. Amazing things are only amazing when they work. Open question to all: when was the last time you used a microsoft product (or any technology, but MS just an easy whipping boy historically, and they did make the video...) for an extended period and it DIDN'T have something,

Obvious trolls are obvious... and just to throw gas on the fire, it's a trojan, not a virus... enjoy!

What about tracking you onto private property? I understand the argument that if you can be followed in a car, why not be followed by a GPS beacon, but what if you were to travel onto a large expanse of private property, a GPS location will continue to track you, further if it's something like a phone, not a GPS

The thing I find interesting is that he got a warrant. The hoopla is over tracking WITHOUT a warrant. If you have a warrant anything goes, because they're not easy to get. I'm fine with that. But without a warrant they can track anyone any time for any reason, such as "he looks shady, lets track him". This is both a

They wouldn't take it away from the 4S for a number of reasons, first and foremost it's a highlight feature of the device and if they took it away people would sue like crazy. However you can be pretty sure than the 5 will have a new feature that *could* run on the 4 or 4S but won't just like Siri. This is not new,

Just to take a little sting out of all the tracking paranoia a simple reminder: you have to explicitly give each app access to use location services. You can turn it off any time in the settings per app or on the whole device. Location data gathered in one app is passively sent to other apps, but again, only if

because T mobile is the only one of the "big" US carriers that still won't have an iPhone.

By default, but you can add and remove other email addresses to be contacted at in the settings. likewise if you're on a phone your phone number becomes another contact point, and automatically replaced texting when available. i.e. try to text someone from the messages app, but they have iMessage, it knows because

correct. it's just data like AIM. you text from the same app (to people that don't have iMessage) so standard rates apply there still. You can tell the difference by the color of the send button. green is text, blue is iMessage

What exactly makes him a sheep? He's held off buying anything apple this long, but in spite of the apple announcement not being everything he dreamed of it's still good enough he's going to jump ship to apple... I see that more as things other than apple need to step it up because even though apple isn't what it could

The 3Gs is not for anyone who would ever read a tech blog. It's for your aunt. The one that thinks maybe it's time to get a smart phone, and has seen an android device and was justifiably scared. This brings all of them into the apple fold, and will increase iOS market share immensely. And with the crazy high

This is the most reasonable way to implement it. It would also have to be on an opt-in basis for the developer. Either that or it's a new payment model that has no direct connection to permanent sales.

I think the answer is right there... if they put out a list and it's small and or crappy, it just encourages people to buy iOS instead... as if they need any more incentive based on the sales numbers...

Hey, kid... you wanna buy some plastic explosives to blow up government buildings? It's a great deal, one you can't pass up... buy it or else...