
All tablets already come with junk. Every android device comes with something you can't uninstall even if you don't use it, so does the iPad (I don't have an interest in stocks on my iPad but that app is there and not leaving unless I jailbreak... likewise iBooks). There may be a couple obscure devices that don't fall

Facebook doesn't sell information to third parties either... but that doesn't mean I can't target you personally with a specific ad for just about anything I like from the comfort of my home computer... just because a list isn't sold wholesale doesn't mean the data isn't still easily available. Sticking to the letter

The real world is neither black or white. There have been plenty of genius strokes that pushed the world forward in remarkable ways, and there have been infinite collaborations and incremental steps as well.

I see the most likely application of this tech to be in a tablet/smartphone, where range is not likely to exceed a few feet, I imagine that's a low enough hurdle regardless of the tech.

I would not have thought that a button free design would work, but having gotten my hands on a PlayBook from the developer giveaway I've gotta say I'm converted. If apple stole some of their border mojo (and obviously made it more reliable, which if it's apple that's a safe assumption since they don't bother if it

There's 300 million devices wordwide... but if we're just talking devices then that includes stock on store shelves and in warehouses and more importantly old phones no longer in use... If you've been on android since the beginning you're on your 3rd or 4th phone by now most likely... and what if you dropped one in a

People would want this presumably for the price... but you can already get free android handsets with decent hardware... you can get an iPhone free (old but still very usable). And ten times cheaper, is that raw component cost, or final device cost after you factor in bulk discounts and mass production contracts that

The difference between that case and this fundamentally is that no one has seen what's on the drive already, they just assume there's incriminating things so they'd like to look and get more evidence... she doesn't have to help them gather evidence. It's the difference between "I think you have drugs, show me where

You don't have to open the door or safe, but if their warrant covers it they can open it, which could include destroying it to get to the contents and you may be stuck with the bill, in addition to a destroyed door... If they're going in anyway save yourself a door and unlock. If they can't get in without permission

The 3G actually does sit still since it's not rounded all the way. This is basically just a mighty mouse with an iPhone on the bottom, which would be pretty interesting as an accessory for an MBA, you're phone's always with you so why not turn it into a mouse (not an airmouse or any other currently available app based

Technically it's a compatibility layer line WINE on Linux/Mac OS...

"Don't be evil" sure has a weird interpretation these days...

The FRAND component is the key to everything. Non FRAND the sky is the limit, with FRAND it's agreed to be kept to reasonable levels for everyone's mutual benefit.

It's all the rage

So it's SFW?

If it were free with any subscription this would be good. As it's not then I have to decide, and the decision is netflix. They have more stuff (critically they will likely have more stuff I want to watch...), and I can watch it on any device anywhere (how long will it take to bake this into apple TV, google TV, Roku,

A huge chunk of the money goes to malpractice insurance (go legal system making this mandatory at incredible levels...), a nice big chunk goes to the doctor (hospitals and private practices cost a lot to keep running, and then doctors don't tend to drive in 20 year old rust buckets, and they generally have to pay off

Flying cars have been proven to be impractical no matter how neat they are... jet packs however are so awesome they over come limitations of practicality, I call it Bond's Law.

Shrunk yes, but even just using thinner lines with existing techniques would still grant huge improvements. Optimally everything would need to be shrunk to an atomic level but there's a long way to go between what we have now and there, plenty of wiggle room.

So don't. It'll save you some time and him some hassle of having to bug to find out if it's actually you or your account got hijacked.