
This is possibly the worst advice anyone could EVER give in the modern age... I have NEVER received a link in an email that didn't include some information about the link that wasn't spam/virus/junkmail. Without an explanation attached to a link the *logical* assumption is someone's account got hijacked, or is being

I think WAY too much is going to be made of gate keeper and how it's going to kill off apps etc. etc. In it's default setting how is it any different than MS's security popups when you try to install something on vista/7? the difference being that the way most people get (or will get) most software (the app store)

There has been plenty of coverage of MS's policies regarding "other" platforms used around the office. They don't care, you might get teased at lunch but that's about it. They're free to use whatever. The OS wars exist in the minds of fanboys, not the corporate houses that just want your money. Whatever gets them to

hardline is ALWAYS better if it's an option. but in reality we're minority users and a $20 thunderbolt dongle will solve the problem so while I would be sad I wouldn't be surprised.

as ugly as it is you could get a USB or thunderbolt dongle... not to say I wouldn't miss it just as much, the main reason I need a new laptop is testing ethernet connections... wouldn't be a deal breaker but would make me look that much harder at a MBA

Full width trackpad would make lion make a lot more sense (currently can not stand it personally) but I will miss a click... that little bit of feedback makes a big difference to my brain.

I would be shocked if it wasn't... but just like with ALL their other adapters you go to amazon and buy one for $10-$20...

I'm betting on (and crossing fingers for) hyrbid configs. get rid of the optical drive and you have a LOT more space... 128gb SSD boot/app drive, magnetic 1tb data drive hosting your user folder, it doesn't have to read nearly as hard so the power savings are still high, performance is shocking (I use this type of

That's *the* tech hurdle to make it work at all, if they have it they will have solved this, that simple. If we knew how then it would already be on the market...

I saw a past breakdown of this that I believe much more. In essence:

Am I the only one that likes seeing grammar nazi's hoisted? I suspect not...

While I agree with the premise that Google is going to flop hard with an audio streaming "thingy", and that they have none of the skill set required, this article is just flame bait. It spends the majority of it's time simply stating how great apple is at X/Y/Z, and while true, it is not a logical conclusion that

Finding and explicitly stating are 2 different thing. 1 requires digging through your list and comparing it to their users, the other is just you saying "connect to this (phone/email/username/whatever)" and involves no need to send everything you have, just the 1 thing you know you want.

I'll grant it could easily be a simple oversight, it happens. However when you're engineering with people's personal data that's not a good enough excuse. "Sorry, we'll be better next time" is pretty hollow even if they're serious, when it's your private data they're talking about.

v 2.0.6 seems like a long wait for "we're snarfing all your personal data, unless you maybe don't want that because someone told you we're doing it". I call this a very clean attempt to cover for something that should never have been an issue without actually apologizing because that would be admitting they did

Look into a language that is built to cross compile out of the box. There's plenty of them out there, and a lot of them are based on Basic so they're dead simple to get started with. Right tool for the job makes life a lot easier. If you need performance you have to go with something designed for performance, but if

There's a scary amount of abstract talking about concrete things in this. It's a very interesting insight, but what I take away is that Metro is a concept and while that's wonderful in a philosophical way, and I envy the designer with the budget and backing to get to do that, it's scary as hell as the guy who's going

The keyboard button brings up Metro, so I hope you like that instead of the layout of the start menu. They're not ditching the button, they ditched the whole menu, no reason to keep the button around since it just opened a settings menu and that was more confusing than no button at all...

It doesn't, it takes you back to metro.

No, you can't turn it off. Metro *IS* windows 8. The screen shots you see that look like windows as you know it are *just* windows explorer (*just* for managing files). You launch explorer by clicking it's button in the metro UI... windows key takes you back to metro.