
This is (FINALLY!) an android device I can take seriously... with the caveat that it's a content device even more so than the iPad, which is already more content device than tool. If all you want is content this looks like one helluva bargain.

I'll take that bet... they already have a little cousin to the ipad in the iPod touch, and they have stated point blank that hey hate the 7" form factor.

Yes I would Chaplain.

Is it just me or is all the recent coverage (not just giz, but this is a prime example) of windows 8 tablet stuff that says "Look how great it is compared to iOS!" and then follows it up with "Don't judge any short falls, it's not done yet" a little 2 faced? We should compare the good things and ignore the bad until

I think the point is, if you revert to windows 7, then why not use windows 7? what's the point of new stuff if you don't use the new stuff? This is the exact reason I have not upgraded to Lion on my mac. There is not a single new feature that does anything positive for me. Some are negative, and others I can ignore or


I get where you're coming from. Until you find the point of failure you can't conclude that one fails earlier than the other. However taken in context, a 6 pixel letter is VERY small. Even with a flawless display that just isn't enough data points to get much more than the bare minimum for the letter to exist (hardly

yes and no. Totally possible and totally plausible however if the deals apple worked out were tight enough, the service could be classified as a competing service to their TV offerings and as such they would not be allowed legally to interfere... it would be a looooooooong ugly and expensive battle in the courts

The money in NYC says otherwise... "we have to do better than katrina! (because there's more money here)" if there's a genuine disaster...

It should be moving away from DC by then... if you're not comfortable with it then just don't go... I'm not planing on moving out of the way, but I wouldn't encourage anyone else to do the same. Gotta do what you gotta do one way or the other.

MobileMe had some serious issues... but the concept was good. I wouldn't call it a success (hopefully it's rebirth as iCloud will change that) but I wouldn't call it a total flop either... more bad (pricing/reliability) then good (cloud services people could use before cloud services was even a buzz word).

I have no reference to ping outside a link at the top of the iTunes store which I never use... not saying it's good (it's 1000% worthless, hence me turning it right the hell off as soon as I launched iTunes) but it's easy enough to pretend it was all just a silly dream.

Mixed configuration, RAIDing, hybrid drives complicate things a little, but unless you know what they are already they're not really options to use so it really can be boiled down to size vs. speed. And as always more money = more of what you want, whatever it may be.

So is the idea that they were used sparingly and in good taste... please clarify your counter point.

a flexible ribbon cable like as is commonly used for connecting laptop displays should work fine, the cover doesn't make sharp corners, there's a curve to it so the flex stress would be relatively minimal as long as they used the right materials.

How can RIM launch this? A concept this horrible has got to hurt their stock as it just shows how clueless they are. It's like showing up to a duel you weren't invited to, having already shot yourself once in the foot...

"Fragmentation" as you're describing is a benefit, but as a developer that's not the kind of fragmentation that's a problem, and prevents me from doing more work on android over iOS. The end result of fragmentation is I have to do a LOT more work to get the same result I would on iOS (to cater to all those fragments)

Troll response: "He means sales... as in the single tablet they'll sell..."

The article states it will handle audio to the display's built in speakers... but the cinema displays have a built in USB hub as well so perhaps it passes through to that as well.

Processor speed? battery life? screen resolution? price with SSD (engadget lists it as an option...)? other screen size variants? ram capacity, base, speed? graphic chip, VRAM? we know none of the technical bullet points to actually compare, it just looks like it and *should* be similar... For the less self