
If it's anything like a desktop configuration it should make it much easier, since the primariy OS is on it's own HD, if you have to reformat the "data" drive (resize bootcamp, or delete it etc.) then you still have an OS to work off of... depends where the store the user folder, but you can move it (I've moved mine

I use basically this configuration in my MacPro (desktop). Boot/Application SSD (6/16 sounds a little small to me, but then I have oodles of developer tools installed...) and the standard drive for user folders, media etc. the end result is the system boots in under 20 seconds (from power button to everything 100%

I'd push for an option as well. I love every pixel of screen space but hiding the URL bar just encourages people to trust the software and not their brains more, which means more bad sites. A slight typo can already lead you to a Phishing site, now you can't even see the typo because the address is gone. Tons (most?)

I can buy a used car for $100, both analogies are pointless. They're different devices for different things, used in different ways with interests for different people. The few people that are going to use an iPad as their primary computer are going to do so because they prefer using it to using a desktop for the few

I have an array of 3 Hanns-G 21"'s for my rig, not the same model certainly but I bought one, loved it and bought 2 more with a system upgrade (allowing for the 3x display setup). Love them. VGA, DVI and HDMI inputs, as well as built in speakers (they're almost useless but they're built in...) and cost less than a

Thanks for this, very interesting to see how things are structured there (and changing to try to curb kidnappings etc.).

From a consumer perspective absolutely buy the device that works for you. But the versioning headaches will bite the uninformed eventually because of the develop problems (next). If the app you want doesn't run on 2.1 and that's what you bought, and your carrier is not going to update you (why would they, you'll buy a

many people it's not great for, but for me I use the lowest minute plan and when I have months that I have to be on the phone all the time I don't get smacked with overages. Alternatives are stick with a minimum plan and suck up a tripled bill 3 months a year, or pay more every month for 9 months of almost no use.

It's fantastic for me. I have a minimum plan, and can talk as much as I want since I rarely talk at all. If the minimum was even smaller then it would be different, but that's pay as you go, and you're not going to find an iPhone in the US with pay as you go any time soon... factor in the convenience of not having to

@Fizzter: A gay man does not have the right (in most states) to marry the person they love. They are not legally permitted to enter into a binding legal agreement with someone because they share the same gender. The contract's impetus should (in modern american society) be based on love. If they loved a woman they

@kelz: provided you can navigate the exit route and don't accidentally go back to the site, or have some piece of software that stored your login try to interact without you know...

@Satchel_of_Liberty: So millions of people willingly would do your job every day... factoring in the general intelligence of the masses and I weep all the more for you.

@Hvedhrungr: One more reason not to be on Facebook... not wanting to be poked by 2000 year old zombies.

They already have barcoded stickers on every single apple, why not just either make the barcodes readable by the scanners, or get scanners than can read their stupid non standard bar codes? lots of other loose fruit scans fine. This is neat an all but until it's faster than a normal scanner and can do everything in

@Incoherent: Captivate is not HSPA+ compatible to the best of my understanding...

@Cromwell: even with lots of header padding it would be hard to hit 1024+ bytes with the average text length... maybe they're using a 2 or 4 byte character field to support internation keysets, but even then you'd need a LOT of routing info to get to any size worth caring about. Moral: texting is the biggest ripoff

@Caturday Yet?: If it's jailbroken it's just data flowing through the device, unlike the "official" tethering that keeps track of the tethered throughput for accounting reasons... not playing by the rules means not being tracked in the same way. It will use up your data allowance pretty quick, but it won't be a

Im guessing this pretty much confirms that hotspot style tethering like Verizon has been touting on their iPhone 4 is coming to AT&T users too very short (I'd guess some time after the Verizon launch when there's no so much pressure to get CDMA up and running...). Don't think I'd use it in the next 6 months, but it's

The notification system is really the only thing that CRITICALLY needs an update in iOS imo.

@TehQ: Some of us buy things based on how they work in the real world. example, ipad vs. any android tablet to date. Android looks great on paper but in the real world each and every one of them has been horribly flawed, and even if they hadn't been there's no software for them so they're just a web browser, and