
@leGodt: I get seriously enraged by rear hanging toilet paper... I wish that was a joke, but it just burns my waffles... usability first, aesthetics second!

So now, it's JUST the skin cancer rays we have to complain about, no more virtual ravishing? This is honestly enough for me to no longer really care, and I suspect many people who had a problem (of which apparently there were relatively few by how willing people are to go through these things in the first place) will

@cxwong: I'm sure there is far more evidence than is presented in a single blog post. Example mentioned: google set up a sting of sorts... no further details but my assumption would be that the results of that were fairly conclusive otherwise they wouldn't have come forwards with this as it would all be just hearsay.

@knwldg: I'm not a big proponent of blu-ray. I think it's a format we can do without. I do have a PS3, but I got it for gaming (second hand launch console for backwards compatibility, gaming first). Having a blu-ray drive sitting there of course I had to get a couple movies. They look MUCH better than streaming. They

As has been hinted at by many posters. Hulu is only good if you have an HTPC. They gimp their already pock marked (crashy, with ads, AND pay) service to some degree on everything else, and it's pay ONLY on everything else...

@thePrototype: from their perspective "if people are paying, the service is good enough for them". This is how budgets get sorted. Squeaky wheels...

@Schalliol: It's great for them, but it's another example of Hulu putting the advertisers ahead of the users. This degrades the experience. Which in turn alienates the users, who then go looking for a better option. Once they're gone they have fewer people watching ads and the ad time is less valuable... This is the

@sanjeeva7: I think this is the major symptom that movie/tv/music/etc. organizations are still trying to pretend doesn't exist but is at the core of their problems.

@dagamer34: This has put them very far behind, but it's not an impossible gap to cross. However, for me, the bigger issue is that regardless of what they do it never works smoothly (at least for me and everyone I've talked to about it...). Netflix has had a flawless implementation for everyone (including my parents

@paradox: Very well reasoned counter point (you do know this is the internet right?). However, you noted you're in canada and can't use Hulu as a result. There are 2 things this brings to mind. If I can't stream my internet TV anywhere, why have it on the internet if cable is already there? My bandwidth is free for

Regardless of the hardware unless someone writes code to USE those faux-sticks they do nothing and the device is pointless. So sony needs to make PSP games run on this (essentially an official emulator since it runs android not PSP OS) AND work out a licensing deal with the developers etc. to bring the existing

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: "percussive maintenanc" is my new favorite term and I shall employ both the term and the technique as often as possible.

@Buzz Mega: Time Machine (with a reliable drive...) + DiskWarrior + not using FAT = the magic

I'm terrified... the guns are nice, but Captain Crazy is running vista...

@Curves: Support, just like coverage around your house, is dependent on your experience. Personally I actually love the customer service at my local AT&T shop. I came in with my first gen iphone I had handed down to my GF, my upgraded 3GS, and my new iPhone 4 which i had bought on her plan from Apple directly, and my