
@Christopher Hunt: According to the way the internet and media have been raving for years now, Verizon has every right to think that's all it will take. Why give away money if people have said over and over again "just give us an iPhone on Verizon, that's ALL we want?".

@nachobel TOTORO!: of note, you can trim down a regular SIM to a Micro sim (google up a guide). and you can buy or make a holder for a micro to put it in a regular SIM tray. The form factor change is annoying (you also have to have the phone itself activated before you can just toss in a different SIM... ) but at

@berbar: well it didn't exist before, therefore it is new. Not a new *generation* of iPhone, but a new phone just the same. There are at least 4 variants of the Galaxy S for example (different on each carrier) they are the same technically, but actually vary quite a lot (sprint for example has a slide out keyboard on

@fdisk: You can get a keyboard (for a crazy price) that has those little screens (full color and totally customizable...) for all it's keys.

@Neeraj Verma: If terrorists need to read a tech blog to pick up their tricks of the trade then why are we even bothering with any security?

If they are of decent usability (yea, the nubs look potentially problematic...) this could be fantastic for a gaming laptop (assuming wireless as I see no wires...). Whip it out for your PC type games, flip it over for console ports, leave it in the bag if you just want to poke around with the trackpad.

@Mr B Natural: If you had developer control almost everything would be minimum time. From a developer perspective the lack of a simple returns system is a huge draw to iOS, however the fragmentation of Android means there's a good chance you're going to get something that just flat out doesn't work on your device due

Sorry Google, prepare to fail. I love the cloud concept in may ways, but if DropBox just mirrored my whole drive I'd be a helluva lot happier than truly having everything accessed via the cloud.

@pezeveng319: There may be a trace left over, possibly just something requiring a forensics level dig, but almost everything leaves traces. That said they won't check, they plug it in to a system that will validate it, if it comes up flagged as modified then they refuse you, but if you restore to a standard release it

@staticfive: The problem I see is that that same rich experience can be had on any computer or even mobile device since it's all web standards based, and therefore should run the same on anything (kinda the point of web standards).

@tomsomething: not from anything I've seen on it... which I think in the end makes it totally pointless. You could get away with a desktop that requires network access much easier since it's not likely to move away from it's network. But a portable? Even if you have a cell modem you might not have coverage... what if

@Nathan Coulombe: If you put the price point aside for a second (maybe compare it to a $300 netbook instead where gmail performance is almost the same as a crazy expensive full on desktop replacement style laptop...) this is made by Google (implication they should be able to optimize their own web app performance like

@toxic: If they made this with a carbon fiber shell it would sort of be a bizzaro mac... except without the full OS... and the other OS lurking underneath... and the ability to run any other OS you might like by restarting, or through a hardware native emulator...

@Greg Lloyd: same, it's a web browser like you get in every OS mobile or desktop, only without native code execution like you get on every other OS... fine if literally all you do is use the web, but you can't go past that. And anything you can do on this can easily be done on any OS since it's all web standards...

@Googlo The Otaku Ninja: assuming their internet connection never goes down... I'm not looking forward to that troubleshooting call...

Some of those likes sounds like dislikes or at least neutral mentions to me... e.g. trackpad doesn't like 2 fingers (this is a positive?) and screen doesn't get very bright...

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: For what I'm sure they're paying him he could violate the english language like a 2 dollar whore and I still wouldn't be in a moral position to correct him.

Bravo to this guy. When your job sucks I think you earn the right to go out in a blaze of sour grapes. If you don't want your employees going off on a tangent like this then put in a little effort to make their lives more bearable.

@cassiebearRAWR: Please look into the charges. He was arrested for having sex without a condom despite being requested to wear one... There's a gap between "wear a condom. No thanks. OK lets do it anyway." and rape proper.