
Chrome OS is going to be like having an iPad... only without the apps... and if your network connection goes down most things won't work... but it should run flash and that's all that really matters right?

@chefgon: As a developer as well: YES.

@espinha: A counter point to this is my Galaxy S (epic 4g to be specific), which has everything off without being in airplane mode, no mail account, doesn't receive calls, is only used as a testing device lasts about 12 hours unplugged... with nothing running... like I said, doesn't even have cell service. my iPhone 4

I've been thinking of getting one of these for my MacMini HTPC... anyone actually got any hands on feedback?

Why do I feel that she's going to get sued for something obscure in an attempt to silence her by the corps making gajillions off of the pro scanners? Just one more reason TSA is not helping anyone but big brother. Hey kids you can make a scanner at home to make double dog sure no one can see that explosive you hid

Having tried the client app recently (seriously everyone should just give it a try before flaming like crazy) I have to say with a beefed up library, some toned down pricing (or at least some sort of guarantee that paying for a game will make sense a year from now...) it has real promise.

@gloeden31: I think the point is that the procedure they are following to the letter is asinine... Some common sense (I know, WAY too much to ask for in a government program), and a little human decency would go a long way towards actually protecting people, instead of just violating us. Flying isn't a right, but nut

@FriarNurgle: Modified version of this is probably better imo... cell service is already creeping all over the world at a crazy speed. Use the funding from an "elites only" service to distribute the internet that way and subsidize the equipment and service carriers that want to grow into those areas. You're bringing

@C0ldFusi0n: Additionally there are numerous programs the world over working to distribute computers of various types to impoverished people in the hopes of giving them a leg up towards entering the global economies. You give a school a $100 solar or crank powered laptop, now hundreds of kids have a chance to learn

@rcs914: 150k is nothing for a satellite so I think it's safe to assume there's something deeper in the funding, such as some form of exchange with governments etc. for crazy tax credits for assisting the funding to this as a humanitarian support donation, etc.

@Y2KGTP: Get one reality TV star to kick in $150k and we make the world better... doesn't sound like too much to ask to me. How many billionaires are there in this country, do the math, they could buy this hundreds of times over and it wouldn't impact them in the least. Why don't we try taking from the rich before we

@Lanbeast: it is technically alien to our known biology. It's a semantic argument, but an important one I suppose. I would side that is is indeed alien on the basis that it is wholly unlike anything else known, putting it in a group beyond all known groups of living organism. To me that's almost more alien that if

@Interstella5555: poor pluto... dwarf planets have feelings too, science can be so cruel.

@Dodge2002: The same could be said for every single scientific investment. Lets go back to caves. Oh wait, we needed to discover that shelter kept us safer. Fire was a total waste of time. And the wheel, I mean, without a car to attach it to we should never have bothered.

@Hank Scorpio: I think the majority of scientists would likely agree that life, as a thing, is pretty tenacious. I think the gap that gets muddied is that when people think life on another world they assume it will be some sort of space man, or at least a space beetle. Something crawly we can see with the naked eye.

@xsbs: the internet is the heart of just about every single form of technology at this point. All your communications besides paper mail and packages pass through the internet at some point. All your entertainment, even movies in theaters, can be managed by the internet... it's the core of modern business and society.

I don't think anyone's actually shocked by this, what I think makes this an actual headline is that it's an (allegedly reliable) source confirming exactly what happened. And then further that despite confirmation nothing (publicly) was done.

@cjp: I think this is really the problem with the google tv boxes (besides you know, not having content on a content delivery system due to the networks etc.). The POINT of a google TV is to bridge the gap between the HTPC geeks (such as myself) and the "what do you mean I need a tuner box, my TV can change