
@anonpwny: Google probably doesn't have much to loose either way. They're successful now with neutrality, however they have the money to be top dog in a pay for speed war, so that means they would be able to essentially pay to be the fastest search engine which is a nice sense of security...

@bearproph: re your second point. The core threat that net neutrality attempts to address is that if google can pay extra for their services to get priority, and the operators of say, Gizmodo can't afford it, youtube won't be faster, gizmodo will be slower... you never say "wow this site is especially fast!" you say

@nootron: I'm sure there are plenty of people who love their BBs, but I've never met one... As the recent polls have shown, most people with a BB want either an android or an iPhone. And in my personal experience a fair number of people with androids want iphones too...

@CommentingpointlesslyisMeh: I read somewhere it has 512mb of flash storage on board... if that's true just save yourself the heart ache and don't bother asking about video...

@5erge: "It's not the screensize that counts..."

@lostarchitect: sorry, RIM's server's are down again, you message won't go through...

@Brian Alexander: That's an improvement on garbage, not something good, there is a large difference.

@Hello Mister Walrus: We're going to need something to put that maple syrup on... *eyes Belgium*

@l4crosse: a LOT... and the fact that we generally don't care is point number one for why :0)

@DefineStatutory: As much as I hate RIM (all your eggs in one basket that has a history of getting spilled...) I'm with you on this. Atleast with RIM you know all your data is being stored by them, and they can't afford TOO many lapses in security, or system failures with it before it affects their bottom line, that's

@The_Other_White_Meat: As a user, I'll stick with the software selection, and less (not none) risk of someone stealing my data through their app...

@jackburnt: Might as well, since they're not charging for the app the piracy won't affect them, and they could even yoink some contact data and other user info while they're at it!

@Maori_Yelir: That's one analysis... a counter point could be that ipad sales are driving mac sales, and typically laptops outsell desktops regardless of application. Therefore the ipad may be bringing people into apple stores where they go "wow I need a mac!" and they switch from windows, or upgrade their mac at the

@benthe1: this response if for my own amusement.

@frigg: nail, head, hit.