
@Aklost: I think you've made your own counter point with the dictionary comment. It's all subject to definition and despite your seeming insistence that your definition is correct, I think many people, pro or anti ipad, would disagree.

@turleymuller: I have 2 touch screen computers (1 mac 1 pc) in addition to the usual array of macs and PC's and various touchy touchy devices. I can say quite soundly if you can't hold it a touch screen is a novelty. There are 2 real reasons for this. The first is just OS's aren't designed for it, and no matter how

@HeroOfTomorrow-the Untied States: WP7PTSPP7P with WP7P doesn't have the marketing impact it needs... put a "Now better than ever!" sticker on the box just to be safe.

@aec007: couple more corrections to throw on the heap. Apple yoinked the UI elements from Kodak, not IBM, and it was because Kodak corporate wasn't going to use them so they just let it go. Yea, not real innovative on apple's part but you'd have no mouse today if they hadn't borrowed it.

@EBone: The R&D behind hiding the paper clip had to compete with the R&D budget to show the paper clip... That's gotta be a pitched battle of the minds right there...

@MacTodd: I think you've raised a good point. They're seeding the "office" space on tablet devices, because they're too focused on trying to cram windows in where it doesn't belong.

@MTVAH: I think his point was that they are a software company, and they're making software that SHOULD be better. They're sticking to their old design concepts to save a buck in R&D, rather than making a product people will want to buy...

@blehbleh13: Ballmer has to answer to the stock holders why a competing company has a run away success and big daddy MS doesn't have EVEN a competing product, let alone one that's out in front...

First off, as anyone that uses more than 1 monitor will tell you, expose is a bandaid, not a solution. To base the core UI experience around it would laughable at best. I can barely function when I'm doing "serious work" without atleast 2, 24" screen, 3 virtual spaces (that's 9 screens total if you're counting) and I

@The Albatross: While I agree that despite broadband it's annoying when an update seems pointlessly large, keep the following in mind.

This isn't as bad as it sounds in the headline. Basically it means if you're on a WPA2 network you can get packet sniffed, and various other things associated with raw packet access. It doesn't mean someone can drive down the street, hop on your network, rampage around inside your computer and leave a virus behind as

@Brak: They've already got 2 free api interfaces so I doubt they're going to trash them both since they haven't even transitioned from one to the other.

As an iphone developer I seriously doubt apple would do this.

Might as well make the doctors dress up as clowns too... I'm already needle-phobic, if I saw someone coming at me with one of these they would be short an eyeball pretty quick...

@J2M3: I wouldn't say impossible, lots of dell workstations come with a flash rom recovery mode, I would imagine their servers come with something even more robust, that means there's software beyond just the bios on the board, and that means rooms for the nastys...

@Odin: I think they're catching flack for this because it's a public statement of "Look how on top of the problem we are with these computers and such" and it turns out the real statement is "we know we should be doing something here but it was just more cost effective to hire someone to fake it", which is kinda what

@Wwhat: popular software without paying? If we could figuoure that out it would be like a veritable treasure ship waiting to be plundered!