@The_Vitto: cary more baby seal pouches, just to be safe
@The_Vitto: cary more baby seal pouches, just to be safe
@Coreboy: And yet they didn't... it's on an android device...
@Mr.Gawn: In a country that knows they're not going to win, there will be some die hard fans that will think it so they will buy. And since the country doesn't win toshiba does... that just makes it a better plan.
@gebinsk: ummm... if fring can do it so can skype... so how is that apple's fault?
@The Werewolf: If you want to talk incentive, if he tips $10 a day and makes an effort not to be a dick he can make a fort out of chairs and shoot spitballs at the rest of the caffeine addicts for all I care. It's on the manager to kick him out if he wants to.
@coketown: good luck to them, competition foster's evolution. That being said every person I know with a blackberry wishes they either had an iPhone or an Android based phone... and all but one person I know with an android phone wishes they had iPhones... Not a huge sampling since it's just people I know, but I find…
@kylecpcs: That and the pill is TEMPORARY... like female birth control... only the woman doesn't have to take it and send her hormones out of whack decreasing her sex drive and then you don't get any...
@pijmodo: If they can prove it's safe I'm in line. My GF can't take birth control because it messes up her hormones too much. Plus if you're a man, man up and take charge.
@Tyrunn: true, but they're trying NOT to give the mice cancer... I'd rather be given experimental drugs that arn't supposed to kill me, and get some action, than be bombarded by radiation to see if some other drug might save me...
@aturner3412: This is the first report I'm aware of of the new model overheating so to call it a continued problem and not an isolated incident is a little premature... that being said I won't be surprised at all if this is common with the new systems, a major hardware overhaul and MS's typical "testing" (well it…
@Odin: I rarely play games on my DS, I use my iPhone and iPad for games all the time. They're not directly competing, but there is significant market overlap and that causes loss of sales. Feature superiority (or at least parity) makes it easier to create a reason for someone to buy and cary another device.
@Xeno: open and quality are 2 different arguments. I think it's safe to presume the article is operating under the assumption that Facetime will be "good" in that the quality will be up to snuff. Which I feel is a safe assumption. If not then no one should use it regardless and any other arguments are pointless.
@Xeno: open and quality are 2 different arguments. I think it's safe to presume the article is operating under the assumption that Facetime will be "good" in that the quality will be up to snuff. Which I feel is a safe assumption. If not then no one should use it regardless and any other arguments are pointless.
@Sandeep Murali: Just because more than 1 program uses a protocol does not mean the protocol is open. They are simply being allowed (license fee) to use the skype video system. With an open standard no one can tell them they CAN'T use it. Meaning anyone can use it for free, meaning instead of your choices being skype…
@glasjudio: See the speck whizzing by above your head? that was the point of the article. Thinking caps people, not locking-caps.
@Kakkoii: In the context of this article, you don't want people to use an open standard (platform independent and free)... you want people to use a closed standard (ms, cost) on an open platform (android)...
@Dodge2002: People use messenger? Being a tech consultant for 10+ years I have never met a single person who used messenger.
@cc: Not all the time, but once you get used to video chat (I recently started using it heavily for evening meetings from home) it really does smooth communication. I can hold something up to the camera vs. having to send it to someone. You can tell who's looking something up because you can see them looking at…
@Vinnie Vincent: It's all opinion. It hasn't remained the same for 3 generations because it's flawless, they just didn't change it. Look at the first get PS1 controller with no analog sticks, they just glued the stick to the bottom and left it alone... so the thing we use most now (left analog) is still in an…