Ima Noyleman

I stopped going to (and started reading deadspin) when ESPN suspended bill Simmons for talking openly about how ESPN shills for the NFL and how lame goodell was.

He didn’t steal anything. If he ripped it out of their hands, that’s one thing. He touched it first.  

Wrong; bangs make people look like they never exited that awkward phase of puberty

Im all about white men having more power than earned most of the time but I'm not sure how O'Brien's race factors into him being bad at personnel decisions.

*while screaming obscenities at the person the entire time

Thats rather ironic. My initial response was actually quite playful, simply suggesting that your sister wasn’t being difficult at all.

You never clarified anything you just said "I said literally the opposite of the thing I said" but ok whatever dude I'm the asshole

I replied to your original comment in the thread and you told me you said the opposite of what you said in that original comment. I’m not concerned with the thread, I was only responding to one thing you said in your first comment.  If you had other things to say that contradicted your original point you should have

You said when she wants to be difficult she asks the kitchen to substitute something vegetarian.  How is that the opposite of what you said

Thats because of the proliferation of garbage ass spineless managers (frequently) at big chains who give away comps like they grow on trees

I don't think it's particularly charitable to suggest your sister is being difficult when she asks for substitutions.  If a kitchen won't do it, they say no. Not the end of the world.  

“I have an opinion on a law that is factually inaccurate and everyone who knows the law is a creep"

Yeh caris levert and Spencer dinwiddie are terrible, huh

And then hopefully some of them paused and said “wait, this person is considered a *celebrity* by the assholes who run comiskey park/whatever the hell it’s called?!”

Mlk isn't famous because of how he was murdered

I used to have trouble remembering which was which but if you sound it out in your mind, you realize "few and far between" actually makes sense, even though it's basically a throw away idiom that people don't think about

Its refreshing to see someone on the internet rejecting things that are extremely popular

Arent there like 6 more avatar movies coming out?

I also am having trouble figuring out why the awards were aired on the TV network that produces the best NBA coverage on television

Is this a serious question?