Ima Noyleman

the latter part of the vanth story you’re supposing was sort of how i took it when i watched that episode

that’s well and good, except this person doesn’t pay for content, but they *do* get access.  it’s not clear what you’re trying to say here. 

i’m not sure if “reviews” are what you’re really looking for, if all you want is a publication to agree with you about the shows you’re watching

too late, bud.

you can probably find a straight razor if it’s that much of a problem for you

i thought it was weird how she’s complaining about how a private company is doing the work for a communist government

“she’s cute and everything, but i can’t objectify her in a positive way”

the lack of the closed quote in the second paragraph was pretty confusing.

maybe a second pass through could help

i think you should re-read alexioflexio ‘s comment

people also spoke middle english many years ago. how was your last attempt at reading chaucer?

maybe the problem is people being resistant to linguistic/societal change, yet feeling like an authority while doing so instead of increasingly irrelevant by the day?

don’t ISPs still have that data though?

we said the pledge of allegiance and the our father prayer every morning before class at my catholic elementary school. when i got to public school for 7th grade, we didn’t do either. it *was* weird to me that we were expected to pray at football practice, given that plenty of the kids on the team weren’t christian.


I’d take The Warriors over Bully, as they’re essentially the same game but one is set in the universe of the classic film (*grittier* and more violent). But I’m sure Bully was infinitely more popular

you gotta chill on your “two people called 911" bit.  people call 911 all the time because of dumb bullshit.  that’s not a point of evidence in your favor, that’s evidence that people are dumb

wait didn’t paul tamayo do a piece about the switch version?

Seems like a misguided waste of money to me, but as someone who doesn't watch reality TV and is outside the target demographic anyway, doesn't really matter what I think

I need some good older games because the games in my backlog aren’t as exciting as I hoped (AC Odyssey, newer god of war, rise of tomb raider).  I've put off finishing horizon zero Dawn cuz it got contextually depressing, but I wish I had never played marvel's Spiderman so I could play it for the first time now.  

I played the 1 demo for about 15 minutes and couldn’t get into it.

having never seen it, this might be the first live action remake i’m interested in

i’ve been over movie theatres for a few years now. i only go to the ones that i don’t want spoiled online (with few rare exceptions that i *really* want to see), and even then, they put me to sleep half the time.

i’d much prefer the chance to view them from the comfort of my own home, stay at home order or not.

from what i gather by a quick google search and my own pre-existing prejudices, it seems like his choice to appeal to his base’s paranoiac tendencies to place blame instead of their racist ones, i.e. “invisible enemy” instead of “chinese virus”