
Eddie might be coming into being the Grand-dad type America is looking for. Just seeing him hustle through Dolemite with integrity and earnestness made me feel better about the future. He could have easily dipped out and let it all fall apart, but he’s out there making people smile and I’m here for it.

Soul Woman lol

The red shirt dude...that reaction is four feelings in one face.

zombie mode was never 100% connected to the other games too, closest to it was first zombie mode had nazis

Every day my decision to not buy the Division looks like a better choice.

THIS!!! She’s literally the sweetest person on on Earth and she did this for everyone to know that she doesn’t do just skimpy outfits. Gahhh I miss her!

She gets so much unneccessary hate for her style of cosplay.

she could have shown a lot more but she didn’t, how about instead focusing on the insane armor that makes up the whole thing? That’s what i’m looking at, all the black detailing with lava cracks is insane

lol unlike majority of you i like her for a lot more than just her looks. She’s an awesome friend of mine :D

She went all out with this and I couldn’t be more proud of her ^_^. Definitely not like her usual stuff she makes (all her stuff is amazing though)

Stella Chuu doing work, and she’s such a sweetheart too

Jessica’s Deathwing is FREAKING INSANE OMG :D

I’d hit it.

Is it just me, or does this Blizzard cinematic look a BILLION times better than the official Warcraft movie? Man, that cgi looked kind of...tragic. I don’t get why the Blizz cinematic team didn’t just make the entire feature film themselves.

Damn, I face palmed myself over that...

As a current player of World of Warcraft let me chime in with my opinion.