thank you so much for your reply, I am definitely better informed now.
thank you so much for your reply, I am definitely better informed now.
is it safe to say that if you have the money to, just double up on the 470 to surpass the 1060? & still have some coin in your pocket?
completely agree with you, such a great game, really showed everyone that it can be it’s own type of sandbox. made me laugh constantly, while upsetting me, even a teary eye. maybe a remake of it?? why not
Honestly, more games should do this so we can truly see their craftsmanship so we can truly appreciate what they do even more. this title is a masterpiece in particle lighting, it’s absolutely breathtaking. I will definitely pick up this title once i’m able to get a ps4
i watched all the trailers, & i must say, Zootopia is a clear winner, had me laughing. Civil War looks well written, Resurgence is a sequel i’ve been waiting for (sad that Will Smith decided not to be in it) & Warcraft, i’m a fan & player.
So, honestly, how stoned were you when you designed the FaheyMobile?? LoL.
honestly a nice article that’s helpful. great advice for RPG players (that feel the need to play more than one) to follow. i definitely will be doing this once i get a console & start catching up on all the great RPGs that are out
Great job in reporting, being thorough, letting all the Guardians know that this was not just a dry cow getting milked. I look forward to rejoining Destiny once i’m able to get back on my feet to afford system & game