
Steam is a near monopoly. Of course they never needed to offer loss leaders to establish market dominance. They are the defacto monopoly.

Epic is trying to create competition to lower prices long term and give us a discount short term... And as expected Gamers somehow hating on someone trying to disrupt a monopoly

Remember when Steam was released and these same types were telling us how awful and evil Steam was? I remember. 

IANAWPG but....

They should have had more lines of defense and ranging markers/bonfires further out. The artillary and further out defensive lines could have reigned fire to thin out the army of the dead and make them a manageable bite sized density for the Dothraki skirmishers.

The archers were hilariously worthless.

The battle tactics in this fight felt like half way between the Leroy Jenkins School of Combat Technique and Writers Trying To Hurry Up The Battle.

Return of the King was the same way. Lots of dying and losing and suddenly Deus Ex Machina victory. But nowhere in between did we get nice solid battle.

The Northerners

Yeah this is just like kill-streaks in COD. Great when you’re raining death from a gunship from above. Sucks for all the noobs. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Considering Fortnite explicitly is trying to attract casual gamers it would make sense to remove such a mechanism. I’m surprised they haven’t done

Yeah more likely it’s similar to the guy whose guy went off in his holster and ignited the battery or the lady who got pedals backward and plowed through her wall. Just trying to shift blame to not pay for it. Never assign to malace what can be explained by someone shirking responsibility. Or it was just a crazy

Yeah if the safety is a giant fraud the first thing I would do is make sure I hitch my success financially to said fraud. It makes perfect sense. "How can I defraud myself even more, oh I know I'll add another personal cost to my fraud." /s

Here is another Lifehacker tip... you can just buy a laminator for the price of a roll of book tape.

Agreed, if that grill had just not extended all the way down and had like 8" of metal framing the bottom it would have been great. It’s so close but... just ends up looking way too much like Toyota’s hideous current grill look.

Jalopnik watching Kitty Hawk. “They claim they’ll be able to fly 400 feet, but I haven’t seen them go more than like 100.” “In some future they plan to travel the same routes as roads but at higher speeds. But like... horses already travel those same routes just fine.” “In the initial flight it looked very low volume

Subtle audio assumes you have a 7.1+ Dolby Atmos sound system... so.... nobody will care. 

It should also go without saying: Be sure to do this in the middle of the night when they’re asleep or they might do a quick password reset in between steps. 

LastPass has an area for storing secure notes. I store them there.

I also take a photo and upload it to OneDrive. This has the added benefit of OneDrive automatically metatagging text in all files so the photo comes up if I search “Google recovery code” or whatever the webpage title is.

I was split but I think it’s useful because it equates white nationalists with neo nazis. Prominent republicans have defended the term White Nationalist which means if you can equate WN with White Supremacy you’ve taken away their dog whistle and put them on the record defending neo nazis. 

Guys, guys... if we’re going to add “a bunch” of ports to your router, go big or go home.

Guys, guys... if we’re going to add “a bunch” of ports to your router, go big or go home.

C8 also has higher detail LUT support for better calibration (if you hire someone to calibrate your screen).  Both include built in Calman support which should make the calibration a little less timeconsuming\expensive. 

C8 also has higher detail LUT support for better calibration (if you hire someone to calibrate your screen).  Both

That’s exactly what I was thinking. “So you’ll be refunding me my USC application fee from when I wasn’t accepted right? How many years back does this go?” 

I went into a Tesla store for a test drive. The sales person mostly gave me incorrect information, really wanted me to fill out the form in the website and was my least favorite part of buying a Tesla. I went home and bought one in spite of not “thanks” to all of the “helpful” chatting the sales person was offering

Also this is a good place to throw this out there.

Yep, it’s like Tom Cruise jumping on the couch on Oprah. We aren’t making fun of the victims of Scientology, we’re equating Scientology with ‘crazy people’ to undermine the organization and take away its power. Making fun of R Kelly turns him into a joke and jokes are impotent and powerless. We’re taking away his