
An NFL owner that does something [record scratch] good?

For the rest of the century, conservatives have their playbook and it’s fucking Gamergate.

I find this article available.

It’s no surprise that a guy who couldn’t read defenses also can’t read basic scientific facts.

...And the US would never recover from the terrible and avoidable own goal they allowed on November 8, 2016...

Three Men and an Abortion?

“What are these ‘John Smith’ accounts of which ye speake?”

That’s a good idea. Another thing I could do is tear my scrotum open with the edge of an old cat food can, and then scoop the testicles out with a melon baller.

Facebook-powered comment sections are the absolute worst. People say heinous shit to each other, and their real names and pictures are RIGHT THERE! “Oh, it looks like the all-caps ranting about wetbacks guy owns his own construction business. Time for some clever reviews!”

I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of Cardinals fans cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear we’ll never learn which lives matter.

I kinda hope the way to defeat that Triple Death Star is to do a trench run in each one.

SA has all the leverage.

It’s not about sexualising kids. It’s about teaching them about their bodies.

Weird Al is a consummate showman and a good dude.

I think you were a little bit dismissive of Weird Al there. Yeah, comedy songs don’t exactly have a long shelf life and they’re not things you’re going to want to re-listen to a ton. That’s kinda the nature of comedy, plus the fact that so many of the parodies are a recreation of pop music that’s often not all that

It’s her prerogative.

Now playing

There are a lot of people who direct bigoted hate towards innocent people on the internet. It’s not most people, but it’s also far more than a tiny handful. Many know they are disgusting garbage creatures, and revel in the pain they cause. Sadists. But some actually think they’re the good guys and they’re being

Libertarian here, I watched about 5 minutes of a Milton Freedman lecture a few years and I’ve seen every Rick & Morty episode 3 times so I think I know how the free market works thank you very much.

I often try to pinpoint the moment when “everyone is entitled to their opinions” somehow erroneously morphed into “everyone’s opinion is entitled to respect.” Because NO.

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.