
He means diversity in opinion about the most important issues of the day. While most African Americans would probably say institutional racism and police brutality are key issues, you don’t have the same solidarity with Latinos. Central Americans might be more concerned about refugees, while Mexican Americans more

Middle/Upper Class West Indian have a buffer class mentality people don’t really understand if you’re not from that culture. I lost count of home many beatings I got a as kid for not speaking “The King’s English”. That shit runs deep. 

Plenty of Karen’s went from Obama to Trump. They are as quick to kill us as they are to swoon over us.

Sorry, Amy. Someone’s got to take the hit for the team. Coz now what we have is an opportunity to raise an admonishing finger and say, “Ah, ah, ah! Remember Amy from the Ramble*? You may want to rethink this, Karen.” when faced with such a moment in our lives.

I especially love that the rescue took the dog back from her. I guarantee you, this woman is the type of Karen who takes her dog into normally dog-free areas, and when people ask her to leave because it’s not a licenced service animal, she snaps back that “Don’t you know he’s a rescue? He’ll feel abandoned and have a

I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer. is these boys’ newfound perspective on what women exist for.  “Bitch, go suck that middle schooler’s dick.”  “Yes sir!”

“Responsibility, working, looking out for others... You know, the type of shit that generally makes a halfway decent person and productive member of society? Yeah, that’s some nerd sucka shit. Real men train to be fuckboys from an early age!

I think I need a minute or two to mentally process exactly how fried this dude’s brain is. Is he okay? Between T.I. snitching on the status of his adult daughter’s hymen and now this dude’s proud proclamation of pedophilia, I feel like there’s something poisonously wrong with the minds of early aught southern hip-hop

Lemme get this straight:Affirming your kid’s gender=too far.

Not atypical. From what I’ve read, almost a third of black boys have had sexual debut by that age (median seems to be somewhere in the fourteenth year). While I haven’t seen any studies on partner age (they’re very common for research on sexual debut in girls), black girls debut much later and few report having had

Time that doesn’t seem to pay off as Condola confirms she and Lawrence broke up. We also discover Lawrence never told Issa or anyone that they ended things. Condola continues to be an adult and shows up to help Issa finalize things for the event. If anyone should have an issue with Issa, it’s Condola and even she

I mean shit, Molly only knows Andrew BECAUSE of Issa dating Nathan!

Also I was seriously mad at Condola for bailing on Issa like that. They’d been such partners.

Also also, I don’t know if I buy that Issa didn’t even try to get a favor from Daniel.

Molly spends too much of her time keeping score.

They are probably hungry at school but too amped up to notice or care. I can speak to the half eaten lunches though as a teacher. They would rather play!

It’s painful, but he made the right decision. I don’t know how colleges expect students to continue going into such high debt when they’ve seen what student loans have done millennials.

The issue, I think, is teh bidding process.  Government has to go with the lowest bid.  That encourages contractors/manufacturers to cut corners.  Instead of paying a bit more for long term quality.

If my experience in other West African countries is any guide, the answer is “vastly, vastly differently”.
