
Best of luck with the podcast.  You’ve done way more for me than you realize.

Quicky explanation.  For a variety of historical and political reasons, the UK’s former colonial possessions never agreed on a final Court of Appeal for judicial disputes.  There have been a number of proposals, but they never got off the grounds for all the islands.  As a result, they have a standing agreement to use

Dude, I had the outfit at 1:20.  I had the purple joint, and the white joint, and I rocked them with butter Timbs.  Ask about me.  LOL

So actual public health researcher says Blacks are more vulnerable, and he gets called a house negro.  Political writer says Blacks are more vulnerable, and now people care.  Humans annoy me.

Damn PJ.  I know you were rooting for him to go.  If that’s what’s good, I’m not sure these HBCUs have a chance.  And if Morehouse can’t pull it off, what about these smaller HBCUs with even less resources?  This can’t be good.

Pretty much.  LOL  You get used to it.

Love the post. I’m curious how your perspective is on how John and Jane Q. Ghana lives versus how your wife’s peoples were living. From what I gather, they seem to be high up on the foot chain.  It does seem like a nice place, and I’m curious how this series plays out.

I’d think more similarities to a cult than an abusive marriage.  With a bad marriage, horrible as it is, you’re dealing with them one on one most of the time.  With a cult, you have a group of people being abused by one person.

Me too, but I don’t know how one recovers from stuff like this.  It’s not a common experience to be held like this long-term.  

I strongly concur.  Granted, they need to upgrade the displays on the slaves, but this would be exhibit 1A in “Why It’s Important To Preserve Plantations”.

I want a few more. Limiting it to Monticello and Mount Vernon means that a lot of folks would get off scot free. I want enough of them that no school kid is no more than 2 hours from one, and I’d encourage efforts for funding to get kids from the West Coast to travel out to them. Of course, you’d have a board to

I’d be OK with selecting a few notable ones to perserve as museums(say those owned by senators, governors and notable figures of their time), then letting the rest be nature preserves. Large numbers of plantations have long since returned to nature.  Why not let the rest make the trip?  If that isn’t practical, at

I’m a bit surprised.  I’ve been around a fair enough of White people who have brought up Howard and other HBCUs casually.  They might not know, say, Fort Valley State or Johnson C. Smith, but they know the big ones.  Howard, Morehouse, Spelman and Tuskegee are well known.  Rope in the sports nuts, and Grambling and

For such sheer music geekery, I had to give you a star.

Until I read this blog, I thought this song was a dream. I heard it once on Tidal’s Thoro Hip Hop list once, and that was it. Though this reminds me of my childhood, and how me and my friends would utterly ruin songs. Heck, I even admit to singing “Guuuuns, never knew my 9 was missing!” to the hook of “Love” for years.

So when my 10 year old daughter half eats a plate of wings I make, she’s judging me right?  Sigh...LOL  But my daughter will barely take two bites, then complain that she wants more.

I got a 23.  I'm just so barely into the bougie leaning set.  Sounds about right. 

I wouldn't call the record bad as much as uninspired.  Kanye is starting to get in the habit of mailing in records.  Otherwise, I concur with your thoughts.  And you're right about Snoop's gospel album.  That was surprisingly well done 

The scary part is that you’re right.  Young Barkley was plenty agile, but he couldn’t cross you up in the lane like Zion can.