Except that, advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if:
Except that, advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if:
See also support for Saudi Arabia. Israel is a long way from the bottom of the list of U.S. allies behaving badly.
I don’t think anyone disputes that that NFL pays out faster. (And uses you up faster.)
Why is she continually identified as a black woman when she self identifies as a “woman of color” and a “proud american”.
It’s funny because it’s true?
Look at my neck
Not a solution, but curious if the producers, in 2049, will call up Post Malone to fill in a scheduling gap.
All it takes is a drop in ~5k per game average.
Aren’t things about to change dramatically for Harper?
Not too take too much away from the attention Christian intolerance, but I’m interested in watching the next Secret Life of Muslims video segment on “How accepting of LGBTQ families the ummah really is”.
It’s a lie because? Do you not meet the objective qualifications for your claim?
The box on the form says, “Race”, not heritage. I’m sure there are many readers who’d be interested in knowing what your scientifically objective criteria for that is.
So much for self-identification I guess. :(
Rare? Maybe. but how many times is too many?
Please tell us more about how a woman’s testimony being worth less than a man’s is good government.
Prop 13.
Vampire the Eternal Struggle deckbuilding game.
Yes ... but if you want more of your assets to go to, say healthcare and poverty reduction and less to military, debt repayment, agricultural subsidies, etc. then it makes sense to evade taxes that would move your assets in unwanted directions.
But there are patents on the biosimilars/analogs which are what most people in the U.S. are using.
Oh really?