

Maybe not even that creepy given his age.

I’m ok with this.

Wait, what? You are blaming him for not making it work after experiencing her addictions up close and personal?

70 degrees. Seems reasonable to me, though I like 74. The difference being I’m acclimated to about 68. It would feel very cold coming in out of a 100 degree desert.

Bacteria are happy well beyond human ranges, but colder is better than hotter for humans to tolerate and somewhat slow their replication. It’s generally

Hot but doesn’t.

I like where this is headed. Only they are long-haul truckers getting into new adventures in new locals each week.

Death in Paradise + Mall Cop?

“Sweden is only the 10th country in Western Europe to recognize in law that sex without consent is rape,” reports Time, and “the majority of European countries have yet to amend their legal definitions of rape accordingly.”

Probably more facial hair than your average goth.


At the local SF/Bay Area conventions, D&D/Pathfinder games continue to be the major draw with plenty of less tactical/more story-driven games available for the (smaller player base) who enjoys them more.

In our lifetime those who kill
The news world hands them stardom
And these are the ways
On which I was raised

Before the British it was the Ottomans. Before them, various Caliphates. Before them, Romans. Before them, Persians. Before them, Egyptians.You get the idea.

I don’t understand your logic. Why do one people deserve land more than another?

What, did you think someone was going to successfully bait her into a, “You can’t handle the truth!” confession?

See also: The English, some 400 years ago.

Lord Alexander Chung-Sik Finkle-McGraw?

“... Oshri Dudai had this vapid response ...”

Was Gita making that point or are you just throwing it out there? Kind of a non sequitur.